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I thought I'd add a little quotes section. Hope you like it.
"You only get one taste and for this gift we are graced" - Glassjaw
"I’m not saying you have to be stupid to smoke. But it certainly helps if you have a poorly developed ability to anticipate logical consequences." - Max Barry, 2006
"Sometimes companies implore you to “make up your own mind.†Their argument seems to be that if you’re smart, you’ll ignore the overwhelming body of evidence that says their product is dangerous, and instead reach an independent conclusion based on their promotional web site." - Max Barry, 2006
"I figured she was either six years old or retarded. If she was that young she shouldn't be wearing nail polish. And if she was retarded she'd better not be allowed to play with the drills." - Paul Neilan, from the novel Apathy and Other Small Victories
"I suppose I could blame myself for how it turned out, but I've never been comfortable with that sort of thing." - Paul Neilan, from the novel Apathy and Other Small Victories
"Well I'm really like two people. I'm that good." - Jess Gray, 2006
"This is really good chocolate cake! I can't believe it doesn't have meat in it!" - Jess Gray, 2007
"His personality is bankrupt" - Mitch Gore, 2007
"Smart people consider all aspects of their life very, very carefully. People who think about the ethics of killing animals will naturally choose vegetarianism, and variations of that, more often." - Trish Kennett, 2007
"Thinkers are probably going to realise the ethical and health-related benefits of not eating meat" - Rosemary Stanton, 2007
"I think when you go out with Keith Urban you give up your right to life." - Kevin Murray, 2007
"I think I found a flower in a field of weeds" - Billy Talent, 2006
"Believe in yourself. You're all that you have." - Casey Jones, 2004
"I am proud to be drug free. This says it all." - Casey Jones, 2004
"I LOVE FRAPPE!!!!" - Ollie Dorrough, 2007
"Don't shake your generic milk near us!" - Jess Gray, 2007
"See this circle? Not a good circle." - Blockbuster Kid, 2007