"Don't spread religion, spread love to those that deserve it and undefiled justice."
"Religions are easy to invent. Most traditional religions have little or nothing to do with reality, are dependent on obfuscation, interpretation, guilt, and unreasoning faith..."
-Anton LaVey, from The Most Powerful Religion.
"The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world, nothing is left to chance... logic can be happily tossed out the window."
-Stephen King
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Hello everyone, My name is Lazaro Odonel Rosales Diaz, The initials make up the nickname ~L.O.R.D~ which as you guys might already know I use for most of my banners and profiles. My life is very simplistic, I enjoy going to shows and concerts, music keeps me alive, and Metal powers my Mind. I'm a follower of Anton LaVey's philosophy, A satanist, if you must call me that, for I am proud of being one, before you judge me on that fact, read instead of making ignorant comments about something you do not know about. If your responsible and friendly towards me, you will have the same in response. I'm an open-minded individual, and speak my enlightenment to those who want to hear it. I've a tried a little bit of everything in this world, and I observe how everyone reacts to emotions and actions, everything that you do will affect the way I think about you and the way I treat you. I'm into games, Manga and all that type of nerdy stuff, I like it, deal it with it. I would like to learn to play Guitar and other instruments and maybe play in a band. I look forward to a nuclear war. I'm in the U.S Army, my job there is to Drive/Load M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks (MOS:19K) but I not only do that, I encounter and face danger from time to time, whenever I'm needed. There are many things about me, or about my personality, ideas, and thoughts that will change the way you think about life, religion and the government, I'm not an anarchist, yet I don't trust the government, I don't hate all religions, yet I'm anti-religious, I love and enjoy life, yet I can take any life without regret or remorse. I've been told I'm sick to the head, if you consider being obsessed with the dead, gore, and violence, a sickness, then let it be. Life is not just joy and pain, it's what you make of it, if you manage to see life the way I do, you will understand that life is about staying content with yourself at all times, and putting yourself in the higher power in all situations. Success is easily achieved by those who have control, how you achieve it is a variable, but it's always possible. If you wasted your time reading this, I'm glad you did, now you know more about ~L.O.R.D~, talking to me will change your life, if you want to have an intellectual conversation about any topics, please do so. I will be more than glad to reply. In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
Hail Satan.
Feel Free to contact me in any of the following messengers/profiles.
: Lazaro398
: Lazaro398
: Lazaro398
: Lazaro398
: Lazaro398
: [email protected]
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