first formed are July 2006, after broke Agie'Kafukk(Ovrhead Exhaust Valve) pin down for make super Paranoistic Noise Fear. he invite's UJx, Jut Lung, Ivn'cpnx. interest in like's a Exit Wounds, Jesus Crost, Disfreak and Insubordinate(R.I.P). the music told above Political, Global, Life Quake, Human Poison, Weed, Virus, Vomit, and what is all happening around. at this junction, Noisetorner while a recording for "Paranoiac.EP".-Aught song on music Myspace's bar it is only one refrain our that at recording by one Handycam and finally we convert by forms MP3. maybe succeeding will at rerecording by as good as maybe. Thanx! Thanx!
Myspace this (Noisetorner) are service page and at a swoop our sites. so for at informs we not have sites any other as website etcetera besides myspace this. so for contact / want / need othering to hit we contact enough pass message even. need and please at serves notice that noisetorner is not major / mainstream's band (shit!). maybe for person / member's contact: agiecore@rocketmail. com
For want our goods as cloth, patch, and CD. we go ahead for you what do want commute goods with us. yeah!! TRADE OR DIE!!
Untuk yang menginginkan barang/merch dari kami seperti: T-shirt, Patch, dan CD. kami mempersilahkan kalian yang ingin bertukar barang/merch dengan kami. yeah!! TUKAR ATAU MATI!!Just as making known, for album to demo E.P Noisetorner, we ask for help to Record tag that wants realise. and for 4 ways split with RAJASINGA, BERSIMBAH DARAH, and BROMOCORAH our looks for record tag that wants realise. maybe for making known what does we pass on this you are that read it maybe wants to help also in realise tries our contact via message or email. Thanx!
Compilation Contribution 4&5 (40 Bands/12Countries):Realised By TERIAK RECORDS(INA) check:
contact for tees via e-mail:
[email protected]
phone: 085722679240 (agie)
Harga bisa di bicarakan+++