My Blog
A Colorful War
Josh Ralph and I just concluded a highlighter war. He was armed with pink and I with yellow. It was a fierce duel. I accidentally stepped on a Cinamon Toast Crunch cereal box which I proceeded to use ...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 21:35:00 GMT
I'm finally on AIM
PrinceLink7message me sometime
Posted by on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 14:04:00 GMT
The Things That I Love
All my friends at Hixson High better be recycling!!!!! Don't think that just cuz I don't go there anymore means that it's any less important!! Kristin's running it this year so I expect all yall to ho...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 22:23:00 GMT
Chelsea is such an awesome person. It means so much to me that she would want to write a paper about me. I don't even really think that I am that unique. She posted a bulletin requesting info about me...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 21:17:00 GMT
X-Men 3 and the Human Mind
The depth of this movie is incomprehensible. Number three in the sequence of a mighty trilogy, what seems like a normal movie is actually an accurate analysis of the human mind.The first two movies st...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 18:45:00 GMT
You are the Heroes
You are the Heroes In your life, you will be told many thing, of cabbages and kings, if you will. But I believe that there is one famous quotation that we can all relate to at this po...
Posted by on Sun, 21 May 2006 09:20:00 GMT
Two guys, a girl, and a snake.
Two guys, a girl, and a snake.
By Ducky
Snake: Hey, you should eat this apple. It tastes just like chicken, I promise.
Adam: I dont know. Gods serving spaghetti tonight and I want to stay on his goo...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 17:31:00 GMT
Fill in the blank: Seasons of _____. a)gay b)straight c)love
There is no gay and straight. Only love. A friend and I barely touched this topic the other day in Panera after seeing the movie Rent. I was so intrigued by this that I have been thinking about it so ...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 16:03:00 GMT
Am I the only one w/o a life?
Where is everybody? I must have called every single number in my phone and there's no one to hang out with. (i have like two hundred numbers in my phone) It's Sunday night b...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 15:49:00 GMT
My first blog only not
Wow, this is my first blog. Actually, I'm lying. I just typed an awesome blog a minute ago, but i accidentally erased it. I really liked that previous one, so I'm going to try and retype it. I was ori...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 22:03:00 GMT