I'm back in New York City after jumping around all over the world for the past 3-4 years. Had the most amazing time living in Sydney for 6 months and currenntly just sort of trying to figure out what's next for me? i love living this life thing and travel by far is the best thing about it! Since i started this endless journey I've lived in London, New York, Boston, Italy, Rio de Janeiro and Sydney. It’s a drug and once u get on it it’s pretty much impossible to stop, there is really nothing else that excites me more in this life than having a ticket to a place across the world and having no idea what to expect – the more surprises the better! I love discovering unfamiliar places (or going back again and again to my old favorites) and meeting people from all over the world. It's so amazing to make a new friend from across the world from u who comes from a completely different background yet is on totally the same wave length with u! Being a huge fan of the world in general and loving discovering faraway places and cultures so different from my own, my heart will always be in Europe! I’m a total big city addict and can last in a small town for maybe a week max! So name any major European or North American city and chances are I’ve been there! My most favourites are Moscow, New York, Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro and of course Sydney! But really any cool city with great energy, progressive youth culture and amazing nightlife would do just as well. It’s gotta be unique and just a little bit snobby;) The best place to relax and the most beautiful beach is still VilleFranche in South of France and best place to spend all that energy and party your ass of is still NYC! I love to party and just like travelling it’s that thing that keeps me going, ask my friends I’m the girl that after 6 nights of hardcore partying still haven’t had enough. Red Bull and vodka is my drug! It saved my life so many times, without it I would never make it out of Ibiza, Carneval in Rio and Love Parade in Berlin! Champagne and Grey Goose are 2 things I can drink anytime anywhere and won’t get sick of. And if u don’t know what GG is we just might be on completely different pages in life! You can most easily find me in any of those chic and a little pretencious places with amazing interior design and overpriced drinks wherever in the world i might be! I adore beauty be it art, people, architecture or fashion and try to find beautiful things in our everyday life. They are always there, you just need to slow done and take a look. Everything beautful makes me happy! And I love sun, if I wake and the sun is shining brightly in my face I’m already happy and it’s a beginning of another amazing day! What else do u need to know about me? I attract all the weirdos and some craziest people u ever meet and I love it. I think Dutch men are the hottest and the best way to start ur day off is to have a cappuccino and a chocolate cornetto in a sun lit italian piazza! Supposedly KitKat club in Berlin is the place to be (can’t get in if u are wearing clothes;) so my next mission is to check that out and my secret to cure hangover is to have a coconut water it’s sooo good but u have to have on Ipanema posto 9 otherwise it doesn’t work or at least it’s not that efficient. My last words are get out and travel, just do it! it’s the best thing you’ll ever do in your life and there is no excuses if I can do it u can do it too! Don’t worry too much just go with a flow and be happy;)