I am a mother of 2 awsome little rockstars, I like what i like. Iam who iam. I think im easy to get along with, as long as you like good music you are great in my book! anyhizzle, I think iam a good friend, i wouldn't hurt the ones i care about, and love, i don't get out much, but that is sure to change :P i really don't have that many friends. they tend to stab you in the back.. UMM. I think iam pretty damn awsome so ha!I want to meet people who like to go out and do something!ANYTHING but sit at home all the time., Iam single.. yes yes indeedie. i am not looking right now, every relationship i've been in there has always been another woman, tired of getting hurt and lied to blatantly and behind my back..... men are slowly disgusting me.