Yo, My name is Adam, although many people would know me under the title Frog. I live in Melbourne with my fiance Nat, two kittehs and a snake... badger, badger, badger, badger... I used to sing, record music and play guitar.
These days i'm a bit jaded with the whole music thing as it's wasted a huge fuckin chunk of my life so i focus attention on Parkour. For those of your unfamiliar with Parkour:
Parkour is a set of principles combined with a way of moving within your environment and approaching obstacles of any kind, be they physical or mental. These principles include: • Seeking to improve ourselves through the practice of Parkour • Using what you have gained from Parkour to help others, be it by helping someone learn Parkour themselves or to use your skills in a practical situation • Seek progression in ourselves and to promote it in others I am a member of the Australian Parkour Association (APA) and i do my bit by helping to teach Parkour every Sunday at our Melbourne classes. Currently vocalist for:
Previous bands:
WALK THE EARTH (Dw Norton, Richard DeSilva, Skitz)
SIMIAN GIBBET (Cameron Macdonald, Mark Holain - 5 Star Prison Cell)
WINTER FIGMENT (Steve Mackay, Russ - Flow/12 Foot Ninja)
HONOUR THE WHORE (Mark Holain - 5 Star)
And finally - I tinker with a solo project dubbed EXECUTION BYGEMINY. It's predominately centred around vocal layering, but is getting more programmy as it evolves. You'll be able to see links for each of these bands in my Top Friends - most have Mp3's there for you to check. In Conclusion:
I'll still be dabbling in music, but mostly it can suck my balls, judge me how you wish.
Those of you wishing to find out more about Parkour can contact myself or go here: www.parkour.asn.au
(The APA also have a Myspace page, however the website and forum are more ACTIVE so it's best to get your info there) "Over and Snout"
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Motivated, honest people who are constantly focused on their goals
My Blog
Here's to the future
Yo, Anyone who cares to set thier eyes upon this: I'm going into the studio this Wednesday and Thursday 16th & 17th of August to record vocals on a few tracks with WALK THE EARTH for the Faultli... Posted by on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 05:35:00 GMT