I love my family...My sisters and my baby brother... I love my friends super-de-duper's hard to find real ones, so when you do..treat them well..There are a few people whom I adore, and I am so so lucky to have them in my life...
Right now, I just want to make it through school, and survive myself...I'm rediculously involved in things..mostly to keep busy..but I want to make a I'm well on my way... Spending lot's of time with my friends..and kicking my own ass with school work...oh yea..
If you see me around..say hey... most likely, I'll just smile big back and say "hey"
adopt your own virtual pet!......
contaigously happy people
people who have the ability to put themselves in someone elses shoes.
people who have the courage to stand up and speak as well as the courage to sit down and listen
I'd like to meet any and everyone...I meet atleast one new person a day...pretty good I think
......EVERYTHING...I love soundtracks... but Oldies, Rap, hip-hop, rock, blues, matter what it is, if it catches my ear or gets me movn' then I listen to it..
I love Tina the Llama loves her ham..I love Nightmare on Elm Street (I Know Freddy Krueger is corney, but i love it) ,Disney,Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, office Space, White Chicks, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Bull Durham, Varsity Blues, The Bodyguard, Backdraft, The Client, Stand by Me,Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Notebook, The Grind, She's the Man, Clueless, Can't by me Love, Wilson brothers......It's rediculous to name 'em...I love movies about sports, or based on true stories.... If it has good action/ass kicking, or is a cute romantic that makes you sigh or cry, I'm all for it. I also kick it with the 80's/ early 90's (hello, John Hughs, Bill and Ted....) Don't make fun... Anything Ashton Kutcher, Jake Gyllenhaal, Adam Sandler.........
Prison Break, The OC, Gilmore Girls, That 70's Show, House, Ugly betty, CSI, Crossing Jordan, grey's anatomy Dog..the Bounty Hunter, Friends, George Lopez, Extream Moakeover "Home Edition"( I love Ty).... I love the 80's, and 90's re-runs (Saved by the bell, Fresh Prince....)......
mostly school ones right now.... I like romantic novels (sometimes there raunchy)LOL... also Night, why the caged bird sings, to kill a mocking bird, and Almost anything Shakespeare... and lots more
my mom and my sisters....
no matter what happens, they hold it down and give me the strength to do the same...
people say I'm a dork