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Michael Skowronski

I am here for Networking

About Me

Please NOTE: This is a duplicate profile in the case that MySpace deletes my original one...they have been known to do such bone head things! At the moment it is unattended...please refer to my first top friend to arive at my real profile.Look for a somewhat complete list of my blogs in the lower left portion of this page, right across from the link to post comments

AWESOME Live Talk Radio Interview

Click (twice) on the play button below to listen to my interview with Odessa Maxwell of Trimaxx Publisher’s Authors Speak Out Blog Talk Radio Show. .. You can find more of their radio talk programs at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trimaxxpublishers

The Secret to Living an Unforgettable Life

Click (twice) on the play button below to listen to this talk that I gave at a Seattle bookstore. ..

World Transformation Radio hosted by me Happens live every Tuesday Evening 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

(This show is on a temporary break…sorry technical errors prevent old shows from showing up…will fix soon.) There is 6 seconds of silence at the beginning of the program when you press play above. You can also Click Here to Listen and Chat via the Internet and your PC.I hail from the heavens and I hail from the earth I hail from the secrets inside of you since birth I am heading to the center where everything remains I am heading to the furthest reaches that the galaxies containsI am a passionate teacher of practical spirituality, I teach from knowledge and experience not from beliefs. In March of 2007 my first significant book Unforgettable was published. It is a true story of love and spiritual growth. Unforgettable details many of the incredible events that I experienced during my early years of spiritual study. Mark my words, “This book will be a best seller one day soon.” I am a mystic and a scientist, a healer and a software engineer and a great deal more. I have experienced life in the outer world on a grand scale as an adventurer and thrill-seeker. Yet it is my passion for tackling the complexities of the inner world and our relationships with others that has brought so much wisdom into my life.So now you are probably thinking I have a rather large ego too…look my ego has been smashed into so many pieces, too many times, that it is really not all that big. I have loved and lost, been in high demand and fired from jobs, been well respected and thoroughly humiliated, all in all I am just like everybody else…except, that I have been paying attention where the average person does not. Life is training us, evolving us. These traumatic events that occur in our life can make us bitter and miserable or they can help us to become an open hearted human being who has a great deal of compassion for humanity. I have experience with both bitterness and compassion. We do have a choice. I certainly don't like how it feels to be bitter so I ultimately choose compassion.What I teach is not dogmatic religion. I support all religions in their quest to know God and serve humanity, but I do not support the fools who tarnish the names of every religion on the face of the planet. There is a profound truth about life, a truth that you can discover within, and that truth is that we are powerful eternal beings.I am very familiar with the divinity that lives within us all, or should I say, "the Divinity that We all live within." I have been seeking to discover the true nature of spirituality most deliberately and intensely since 1986. I have put into practice many different teachings of ancient masters, some I still practice today, and some techniques have been discarded along the way. These techniques do yield results. If they did not I would not waste my time with them. I have experienced many amazing miracles and profound coincidences too numerous to ignore. Best of all they give me a deep sense of self-esteem, peace of mind under all circumstances, relief from all loneliness, and an eternal source of wisdom and abundance.

I am an American man who is married to an Indian woman. We have an arranged marriage which very quickly became a love marriage.

You can read this amazing and interesting story of Love and Adventure right here:BLOG - A Marriage Made in Heaven - Part 1. BLOG - The Suicide and the Accident - Part 2. BLOG - The Kidnapping and The Wedding - Part 3. BLOG - The Honeymoon and the Truth about Eju - Part 4.(This is not to be confused with my book Unforgettable which details my relationship with my late wife who died in 1998 of Cancer.)


I would like to reach a wider audience. If you comment in the blogs and post kudos, even a simple, “Right On, I like it!” will help raise them up into the top 20 which means many more people will have a chance to see them and read them and perhaps, even transform their lives too. WILL YOU HELP?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

FRIENDS who are paying attention in life, who want to make this a better world to live in, and who take responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions.ALSO Serious (but light hearted) students who wish to transform their lives for the better.

    Do you want stronger, healthier, more meaningful relationships? Do you want greater freedom in life? Do you want grander options than you currently see? Do you want to get to know who you are and what your purpose in life is? Do you want to be able to be able to remain strong, healthy, and happy no matter what life throws at you?
If you answered “Yes!” to any or all of those questions then I would like to meet you!I would also like to meet other spiritual teachers who teach from experience, not just from book knowledge. I still have room to grow and welcome opportunities to advance.


My Blog

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