I am a laid back guy who keeps it real, and at times to a fault. If you don't want to hear the truth about yourself or a situation, don't ask me what I think. I would expect to hear the same truth(s) in return. Everyone wants things candy coated these days, that's not me. A few things that could easily sum me up: Hip-Hop, snowboarding, movies, and the dislike of drama.
I'm on Myspace again to see what my friends are up to as I have moved back to California from Santa Fe, NM. I'm an open minded individual. I like to have a good time. I'm not into the party scene anymore, just got burnt out on all of that. To each their own though. I have learned a lot about life out in Santa Fe. Not sure how I will hold up back here in California but it's worth a shot none the less. Life is one big adventure so I am sure I will enjoy the ride, and take advantage of the IT opportunities. The toughest part of being back here in California is that it's the absolute opposite vibe that Santa Fe exudes.
Not to be a jerk. But is everyone really worried about what shoes, cellphone, clothes, hairstyle, and handbag they are rocking? You do know that stuff will be outdated in a month right? To an extent all of that is fine by me but at times I have to just laugh at the confusion that materialistic stuff brings to some people. If you are going to pursue that path just know deep down that it's all fluff. It's all junk to keep all of us preoccupied. Sure grab a few things that really make a difference in your life, not because you want to show the next person up. That's just oober lame. More lame than me using the word "oober".
Brian, you will never be forgotten buddy.