Josh profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

My dog is smarter than your honor child. I have many talents. I have an honest addiction to coffee. Singer songwriter. I miss my motorcycle. Im smart, but you'd never know it. Whats a Bohner? Procrastinator extraodinair. i kant spell wurth a schit. Ich spreche ein bisschien Deutsch. Yes.... I am a f*%#ing rocket scientist... but no... it doesnt take one. My battery is about to die.

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The Resonanceffectt

Hey guys. grab something off this for me and put it in your profile... you can grab a music player (under widgets) or a banner (under banners duh)... point is... it all goes into my stats and anyone who is willing to help out would be GREATLY appriciated... Tschus.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ghandi (?)... lame question

My Blog

whats wrong with us?

In the wake of the massacre of Virginia Tech, big wigs with private agendas have already begun to use the incident as a point of leverage for their cause. Gun control advocates are crying "push legisl...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 18:58:00 GMT