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About Me

.............NEWS FLASH.............

OH NO...KARMYN HAS A PODCAST. CHECK IT OUT ATWWW.KARMYNKAST.NET ORWWW.KARMYNKAST.PODSHOW.COMI love music of any kind except real heavy heavy metal. I will listen but it is not my favorite....sorry Jonathan (The Guest)...
My grandchildren are very special to me. My daughter, Diane, gave me Molly and Maggie and they are my only ones until Karmyn has children. (I hope she gets a husband first)!!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bill Clinton......Oh, yeah, I've already met him......My husband is from Hot Springs and his dad was big in the Arkansas Democratic Party. (And then this Republican married into the!!) But.....I did campaign for him when he ran for Governor of Arkansas the first time so I redeemed myself!! I guess maybe Burt Reynolds, Eban Crawford, Adam Curry, Phil Uptain, C.C. Chapman, Steve Webb, Steve and Dawn (Well I actually met Steve Webb, CC Chapman and Steve and Dawn at the Media Expo in Ontario
I have to say that Steve Webb and Adam Curry have the coolest voices......They are perfect for podcasting!! Corey James also has a great voice. Now I have to add the voice of Brian Noe. I listened to The Frank Truth and his voice is wonderful as well. You can see that I am into voices......some just grab my attention and these guys really do it!! Besides they seem really nice on their shows and I am sure they are in real life!! And I can't forget the wonderful accent of RFL's Eban Crawford!! Of course, I gave this love of voices to Karmyn and she has always tuned into peoples voices. I think that is why she likes to do character voices and her famous ............"BABY CRY".............Ask her about it!!.......I did not realize how tuned in she was to recognizing voices until I was listening to The Daily Source Code. As she came down the hall, she ran into the room, excited and said that voice sounds like "Adam Curry....he used to be on MTV" and to which I replied "and when did you watch MTV??". Now I know why, at age 13, she watched MTV without my permission!! It was his "voice" (and he was kinda cute too)
My special voices list is growing....I now must add Scott Slone from the Alaska Podshow, Paul Camarata of Saints Cast Podshow, Bernie of Bernie's World Podcast, Dave Jackson from Musicians Cooler and Steve from Life Take 5 Cool voices!! My list is still growing....This week I add Tim from Pageant Cast, TC Kirkham from PodRadioK, and LockJaw on Podcast Junkie Podcast. My list grows more with Mike from Chillin on the River Bend Podcast and Rob from StamPodRob Podcast show.
My list grows again with Ed Ovett from Ed's Mixed Bag podcast. Not only does he have a great voice (and I love your accent) he is very creative. (Listen to KarmynKast Show Number 4 )

I Love the Voice of Maurice on Sunday Sundown. He has the coolest accent. Just heard him on the KarmynKast and went to his show. He also plays great music. Wow, Jaxon (Jaxon's TV). I have looked at your video cast several times but never heard you until you sent Karmyn a Voice Message and she played it on her show. I love listening to you. Is that a Cajun accent??
Today, I am adding Chris and Rich from the Saturday Night Pie. Nice voices, especially Chris. Another really nice voice to add is Barry J's voice on Radio QRM and Instrumental QRM
I love Alasdair's accent....He is from the Aycliffe Podcast and the Off The Beaten Track Video Cast.
Okay Brent Bradley from Podshow Radio. A wonderful radio voice and boy can he do a feature. Even I, as the mother, was impressed!! WOW
I again have new voices to add. Don Lewis of the Big Break Podcast and Dan Johnson of Journey Inside my Mind.
I love the voice of Ron (actually both Ron's) on Griddlecakes Radio and Jay Wellstead of the JayCast Podcast from the UK.

I have to admit that I actually listened to a "radio broadcast" tonight. Stan Gill from WIST Radio who interviewed Karmyn for his show Late Night New Orleans. I must say he has a great voice for radio and a great show and deserves to be added to my "cool voice" list!!
I have an addition.....Jammin Jay of KBIG Radio and the Back Porch Show. He interviewed Karmyn and I love his voice as well!!
I love the Mark Baars voice on the Mark Baars Show
I will soon have several others.
Before you get the wrong idea, I am happily married and love my husband more than anything in this world. And why shouldn't I, he treats me like a queen and caters to my every wish!! I know.....I'm spoiled..but I love it!
Daily Source Code
Reaching for Lucidity
For What It's Worth
Life Take 5
Red Jazz
Musician's Cooler
Looking Out the Window
Ed's Mixed Bag
The Big Show
U Turn Cafe
Accident Hash
The Frank Truth
Alaska Podshow
SaintsCast Podcast
Bernies World
Podcast Junkie
Riverbend Podcast
Pageant Cast
StamPodRod Podcast
Jaxon TV Podcast
Sunday Sundown
Saturday Night Pie
Radio QRM
Instrumental QRM
Aycliffe Podcast
Off The Beaten Track Video Cast
Podshow Radio Podcast - Brent Bradley
The Big Break Podcast - Don Lewis
Journey Inside My Mind Podcast - Dan Johnson
Griddlecakes Radio - Ron Ploof
JayCast Podcast - Jay Wellstead
Late Night New Orleans - Stan Gill
The Back Porch Show on KBIG - Jammin Jay
Mark Baars - The Mark Baars Show

My Blog


Started a new talent management company. Check out my My Website
Posted by on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:20:00 GMT