Profile Generator
You can't judge a person for what they lack, rather, you judge a person for what you lack."
My name is Desdemona, but most people just call me Dezi.
I just recently moved to Cali from Italy.
What you ABSOLUTELY need to know Ihave an obsession with listening to tragic stories.
I am in love with love.
I am too outspoken for my generation.
I always want people to be happy.
Unable to let go
Loves drama (not like girl on girl, but like tragic plays [okay maybe a little real-life drama])
Loves children
I love going to fancy gatherings and getting all dressed up!
I hate being told what to do
I can range from timid and boring to the most brilliant and exciting person you will ever meet. You know how people say lightning never strikes the same place twice? Well, neither do my emotions.
I admit it! I am often over-imaginative and prone to fantasize...I often shape my lives to fit a romantic ideal.
I love to go out and have fun with my friends and to meet new people. Not really into doing the "teenage" scene where everyone thinks its cool to do drugs and get drunk enough to throw up all over the place.
If you want to know more, feel free to message me, but please don't just email me talking about how "hot" you think I am and really gets old after a while.