Once I went to visit Mexico with some friends. On our way back to America we had to stop at the border to get our green cards and citizenship checked. The guards asked me, "How was your stay? What have you brought back with you to your homeland?" Tourettes made me say, "Drugs, drugs, drugs!" Needless to say, the guards had me pull over to the side of the road for further questioning. The guards searched the car, me, my brothers and friends. Of course, they found nothing. Then they asked my brothers and friends, "Is your friend the one who said there are drugs in the car?" One of my friends explained that I have Tourette's syndrome and that is a sickness that makes me say things I don't mean. After the guards heard the story from my friend, they pulled me aside and asked me seperately what is going on. I told them I have Tourette's. While I was explaining the syndrome, I suddenly said "I have fake green cards! I am a fake person!"
The guards looked alarmed and made us wait for hours. Finally, they came and realeased us all from any charges. They told my brothers and friends, "Don't bring him here agian. If we're not here and the guards don't understand his syndrome, they'll put him in jail for months until they find out what's wrong with him." When we got home, I told my family what happened, and they all laughed.
I am the GSM of a car dealership now--Ideal Car Sales in Sacramento, California. But, before I was the GSM, I started out as a buyer for a used car lot. I remember one of the first times I was sent to the auction to buy cars for the dealership. I started twitching, but the auctioneers were not aware of what I have. They were selling me cars left and right, as my arms were twitching up and down. Whenever they looked at me, my eyes and arms twitched. They kept selling me the cars, even though I was not trying to bid on them. In fact, by the end of the day, they told me I had bid on and won 22 cars!
I tried to argue with them to say I had not meant to purchase the cars, but they said "Sorry. You've bet on the auction day. You're responsible all these cars." I explained to them that I have Tourettes, but they insisted by saying, "Too bad. Your dealership owns these vehicles now and you won't be allowed to purchase any more of them unless you take responsiblity for what you have today."
I thought it was really funny; fortunately, so did my boss and the other employees at the dealership.