Oh, about me...there's so much I could say. Well, for starters I'm a senior at CMU and that's exciting. I would like to be done with school as soon as possible, but I doubt I'll graduate next year, because I'm a lazyass and haven't even found a summer internship yet. I am a very complicated person. I try to be a hardass constantly, but I'm really not. I believe I should put up a front, because I don't trust people very much. I thoroughly enjoy going out and having a good time...but only once in a while, because I don't have the money to drink like I did last year...haha. I miss Nicole and wish she wouldn't have left me this year, because now I HAVE to spend all of my time with my wonderful boyfriend, and we don't have a lot in common, surprisingly. I also have a phobia of people. I do not like it when anyone touches me. It really freaks me out and I can't handle it. I don't even hug people...I'm just weird I guess. I also don't like spoons. They honestly are the weirdest thing ever. I only use them when eating soup or ice cream...otherwise, I can't handle it. They also really freak me out...I mean FREAK ME OUT BAD! Um, let's see...I also love all animals. Even the ugly ones. Elephants are by far my favorite...I don't know why. I want to have 1000 pets, but my boyfriend says no...he did say I could get a turtle though, and I think that would be cool, I think I would name him George, after my late snail...but I really want this ugly dog I found at the shelter, his name is Fred. And I love him. So, I think that's all for now...Kbye.
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