Fire Therapy Productions profile picture

Fire Therapy Productions

About Me

Well, it all started with a group of friends...We tried shock therapy, drug therapy, hell, we even tried music therapy and meditation...still, nothing has worked like Fire Therapy to help us calm our thoughts and keep ourselves in check. For a time, we lived together in a house which we so lovingly called "The Asylum." The Fire Troupe aspect of Fire Therapy had been on the brink of falling apart for quite a while, and just recently has proven impossible to save. On the other hand, the aspect that I decided I CAN save, is the spirit, and the obsession. See, while we've had our differences, we all still have one thing in common: We like fire. The one thing that unifies us when we're so distant is exactly that...the fire. Regardless of who we're spinning with or what we're doing, that's still there.
And just for the record, I will right here and now publicly apologize for my share of the chaos and drama that came of that. I truly am sorry about my temper, and my slight inability to deal well with extremely stressful situations, and yes, I am sorry and regretful that I snapped at Phoenix that day.
Now, here's the new direction: Forward. While saving FT as a troupe is probably a next to impossible task at this point, turning FT into a booking company for festivals, events, weddings, parties, AND fire spinners, we all still get to do what we love, as a profession. I'll continue to book shows, and if there are fire spinners that want to come along and perform, excellent. First come, first served. I'll be working more on booking shows for next spring/summer in the coming weeks. I'm planning on organizing all of Fire Therapy's friends within the next few days also, so that there's a separate category for Bands, Venues, and Fire Spinners. If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments, please send me a message.
I've also started down the road of booking shows for bands, so if you're in a band and you're interested in playing more shows, don't hesitate to contact me!
P.S. Some shameless self-promotion, I make Chainmaille Jewelry as well, check it out!

My Interests


Member Since: 29/04/2008
Band Members: Pan - Booking Contact

Influences: Fire Groove, Illumination, The Phoenix Experience, Justice of Niobium, Home Of Poi, Fire dancers around the world...
Sounds Like: Fire screaming past your head and around your body, combined with the tribal sound of hand drums.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Fire Therapy meeting 5/12/08

So we've decided to post the "minutes" from each of our meetings here on myspace in the form of a Blog so everybody knows what's going on with us and the progress that we're making. I think this is ju...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 16:15:00 GMT