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→ gaвяîєLLε嫬

can`t live without you anymore; baby i no that you`re worth fighting for. they say that you still th

About Me

My name is gabRieLLe;
i blow out my candles every july 21.
i`m fifteen years young.
i have brown hair that i dyed red && brown eyes.
i`m italian; irish; chilean & german. what a mixxxx.
i`m not a bitch & i honestly hate fights.
i'm hated by alot & honestly i can say i love it ; ]
girLs always look for ways to get back at you from something you`ve done. in one word girls are scumbags.
most of my friends are boys can`t deaL? too bad.
i`m done with love. like i said before; i`ll say it again apparentLy love is just not for me. makes me happy but jelous people try to destroy it & the usually do.
i aLways end up getting hurt.
peopLe always warn me & i never listen; for the most part they are always right.
my mind always skips from one thing to the next.
my mind is a puzzle & you probably dont have the pieces.
i alot of mistakes all the time; but that doesn`t mean to give up on me. i`m honestly a great person.
i am alot of things you'll probably never get the chance to know.
i`m a sucker for sweet talkers.
i hate liars but then again who doesn`t?
i hate cheaters too;
yet i love when boys cheat on their girlfriends with me;
aLthough i will never cheat anyone i`m with.
hippocrate? i guess you can say that.
i`m open minded & i don`t look at people different for things they`ve done. thats why there called mistakes.
i hate people who live in the past; what happen; happened & you can`t take it back. you learn from your mistakes, even thought they might be bad you can`t take it back so live with it most of the time it`s none of their business but people love to talk shit.
i am aLways late; for everything.
don`t plan the future with me if you don`t plan on sticking around. it gets me mad that you were looking ahead but couldn`t be that strong of a person to hold a steady relationship.
as i got older i realize that all people are fake; people only show you what they want you to see. theres only a couple people who i would trust with my life; that boys will come + go & that lifes what you make it; so make it good = ]
i take pinky promises to the heart so if you make one don`t break it
i`ll never figure boys out
but they`ll never figure me out so it`s all good.
i love rollercoasters & being scared.
i like alot of different types of music; why limit yourseLf?
i go to New Dorp High SchooL & i`m a sophmore.
Over the past year, i`ve come to find who my real friends are.
to those who've let me down, peace the fuck out.
to those who said they'd be around, but aren't,
you didn't surprise me at all.
i wanna try & do good in school get my grades up. go to college transfer to a university then join a soroity. = ]
i am me & that`s all I can be.

My Interests

fREE kN0t
i MiSS Y0U


i gotta give it up to my bestfriend YANA insane times ; [ crazyy stories ] no one in the worLd can compare to me & youu. peopLe think they partyy hard?
you shouLd meet us.
there for me threw everythingg & for all the boys let me break it down to youu.
just to make something cLear if you think my bestfriend likes you; your most likely wrong = ] if you didn`t hear her say it trust me she don`t feel that way, don`t come cryinn to me talkinn `bout how she broke your heart. she`s amazinn yeah i no; it`s just to bad you will never = ]

ii l0VE JACkiE & YANA BFFl

JACkiE; what can i say been through so much bullshit now everything with me & you is where it shoulda been years ago. one of my best without adoubt love youu

my best buddy since the fourth grade life just wouldn`t be the same without you. days go by slower cause i`m not hanging out with you in your kitchen getting fat everyday or snorting on city wides in fourth gradee. love you jimbo

every since the first day of third grade when you asked me my name & we sat on the bus together i new we`d be bestfriend forever not a label but the truth. your the person i look up to the most. love you april.

[ = how could i almost forget about you. your like my rock your that person everyone has in there life that when there running scared you can grab me & make me feel a ton better. i love youu without adoubt.

like a big brother to me always there to listen to my problems. somehow you make me always see the good when everything is bad. wouLdn`t change it for the worLd.

i tell you anything & everything. you keep everything to yourseLf; my joey chiLLz my one & onLy biffLee.

are you proud yet?
please realize i`m trying ♥
even though your not here.

there will come a time in your life when you`ll become infatuated with a single soul. for this person you`d do anything & not think twice about it, but when asked why, you have no answer. you`ll try your whole life to understand how a single person can affect you as much as they do, but you`ll never find out. no matter how badly you hate it or how badly it hurts, you`ll love this person without regret
for the rest of your life.

your the only one i want in my life; i know i've been wrong but, i'm trying to do right.
i'll change my life if it makes it right.
i promise. /3

I'd like to meet:

fuck a gang we aLeadyy banging ♥; iL0VEY0UYANAAA

i told myself i won't miss you but;
i remembered what it feels like beside you.

i try so hard; wishin one day you will rescue me.

"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love ,
Listens but doesn't believe & leaves
before she is left."--Marilyn Monroe

My Blog


i`m not having fun without you here with me. life isn`t as good as it was; i am missing you. boy meets girL;from jump they think theres no better match in the whole entire world. this feeling in m...
Posted by GAbRiEllE; CH0kE 0N tHAt [= on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:56:00 PST


i am so done with kiddie games & buLLshit.i`m done being fucked up all the time & not doing what i have to do.wanna probLem with me? bring the best you can it takes a heLL of alot to bring me ...
Posted by GAbRiEllE; CH0kE 0N tHAt [= on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:56:00 PST


no matter what happens ill always love you whether hell freezes over or armageddon, ull always be the one 4 me. PR00F THAT W0RdS MEAN SHit; NEVER BELiEVE ANYtHiNG A B0Y SAYS.i`LL AdMit Y0U WERE A VERY...
Posted by GAbRiEllE; CH0kE 0N tHAt [= on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:31:00 PST

`90s 0H Y0UR MiSSEd.

Before Sidekicks & iPods. Before MIKE JONES Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX. Before the 5 hours(5min) of homework you put off every night. WHEN LIGHT UP SNEAKERS WERE KOOL When you rented VHS tapes, ...
Posted by GAbRiEllE; CH0kE 0N tHAt [= on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 01:40:00 PST


Posted by GAbRiEllE; CH0kE 0N tHAt [= on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:32:00 PST


JERRY they fucked mah life up what the fuck did i do chyllin at a parade called chascodamn man locked up for 15  months didnt know what to do but count them 15 monthsi felt embarressed i also fe...
Posted by GAbRiEllE; CH0kE 0N tHAt [= on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 05:23:00 PST