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About Me

About Me:::
A born romantic, with a deep love for music, tragedy, and art. , Check out my blog to see some of my digital art. Romance and tragedy flows through my viens, and is the center of my world. Alot of people find me morbid and a bit strange because I embrace that which is dark. Haha, but honestly there is beauty in everything.. and I do believe that bringing out beauty from the darkest corners in our minds is important.Don't get me wrong, I'm not violent, depressed, or wish to go to some religious hell. I don't have a need for a belief in heaven eighter. I live day to day, live through the good and the bad which without I would never understand the good.
I do have an open mind, but I personally could never be part of a group that would bind people to share a faith, even unto unecassary death. A countless number of religous cults, occults, and fundamentalist religions are known to have executed brutal methods of spreading their "truths". That's not something I can partake of, because whether it's buring you at the stake, or ripping you away from your maternal faith just to replace it with another, is undeniably inhumane. The truth is obsolete, anyways, what's true for one is false to another, so until we're all brainwashed to thinking the exact same thing.. there is no real truth. The only truth is within the individual.
Anyhow, love is what makes my world turn. Sometimes the term is misused, and I don't wish to ...but my love, my passion is the beauty of life and the beauty in all it's ugliness. Like I said , romantic tragedy.
My family is my life, and there is nothing in the world that is more important them. I live and breathe for them, and would die for them as well. I moved from El Paso, TX all the way to RI,, I miss them, and not a day goes by when I don't think about them.
What I don't LIKE:
    I don't like people in particular, I'm more of a spectator. I sit back and watch. I'm good with one-on-one, but the human race in general is a mess. Love / hate them I guess.
    One more thing... just like everything else, DON'T TAKE ME SO SERIOUSLY...=P


This is my older brother, he's locked up. He's got quite a while to go, and although he has contact with family, lack of communication with the outside can bring a person down. We recently put an ad up for him on prisonpenpals. com so that he may be able to get a little more from the outside. No myspace in prison, just pen and paper. But I thought I'd give him a little push, in case anyone is interested in writing to my brother, here is the link with his info:

My Interests

† My interest vary, to a certain extent. I like to read, romance is my favorite, but before you roll your eyes.. I am a sucker for a good romantic tragedy.. those are nothing but the best.

† Art, color in some images make me feel alive..
† Music, music is sacred to me, in many shapes and forms, the sound of a violin, or the sound that makes you want to dances, it all has the same heart quickening impact on me.

†Writing, every aspect of writing, I can actually write instructions and enjoy it. ! Although I don't write instructive paragraphs all day.. I am particular to poetry, and free writing.

†So my answer to the age old question Would you rather loose your sight or your hearing? is a nobrainer for me,....I'd rather die

I'd like to meet:

Peter Steele (Type O Negative, singer; songwriter; bassist; manic depressive)


Josh Silver Type O Negative (musical genius; producer; Jew)

***UPDATE*** MET JOSH!! Never thought not even in my wildest!!

Itzhak Perlman (composer) Sandro Botticelli ( circa 15th century artist) John Waterhouse (circa 18th century artist) Prokofiev (composer)I look foward to talking to people that are interesting, can embrace the all aspects in life, and that share similar tastes in music, supporting thier local music scene, literature, and art..

I don't want to meet you if::
Your closeminded; and what I mean if you have a lack of tolerance.. and are filled with hate. Being ignorant is not a crime, deciding to remain ignorant should be
I don't judge people by thier intelligence, because we can't all be genius, *although you will hear more from me if you stimulate my mind* but I don't like people who refuse to learn. .


† classical, (Prokofiev, Mendelsson, Mozart, Bach, Perlman, Beethoven,, etc) opera, (Russian Red Army Choir, Bocelli, Luciano Pavorati), Type O Negative!

Buy Dead Again Amazon

Rocio Durcal (RIP)

and much much more, can't stick to one genre, I just live my life to please myself

Black metal, Death Metal, and whatever else I listen to and like..

† Bands I like but not limited to:
† Type O Negative, † Nightwish, † Therion, † Theatre of Tragedy, † Theatres Des Vampires,† Ragnarok, † Satyricon, † Abigor, † 1349 † CCR † Pink Floyd † Nirvana † † Dimmu Borgir, † Teratism † Dark Throne † Macidius † Setherial, †Rotting Christ † Deicide† Vital Remains † Ancient Ceremony †Sothis † Myrkskog † Behemoth † Epica † Samael † My Dying Bride † Abigor † Limbonic Art † Graveworm † Arcturus, † Tristania † Voltaire† .. and the list goes on†

Me w/Tony Lazaro from Vital Remains


† Dracula
† Intreview With a Vampire
† Romeo & Juliet
† Mi Familia
† Paper Moon
† Phantom of the Opera
† Requiem for a Dream
† One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
† The Last Of The Mohicans
† Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
† The Shining
† Pulp Fiction
† Vincent Price in House of Wax
† Schindler's List

† History of The World Pt.1
† Young Frankenstein Nest
† Nosferatu
† Pet Semetary
† Dolls
† The Lost Boys
† Big Top Pee Wee
† The Adventures of Mark Twain
† The Clash of the Titans
† Scarface
† The Godfather (s)
† A Bronx Tale
many many more, but I don't have that kind of time on my hands.


† Don't watch too much tv. These are the show's I do have strict devotion to though


† Blood & Gold (Anne Rice)
† The Masque Of the Red Death & other E.A.P
† Dante's Inferno (Dante Alighieri)
† The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)
† Vampire Chronicles (Ann Rice)
† Tthe Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Ann Roquelaure)
† Poetry from Alfred Tennyson

† I could go on, but I doubt your that interested.


My mom too, can't deny her hard work, and dedication due to her love.. born in a diffrent country, became a US citizen. A Migrant worker at the age of 6, and the rest is history.

My Blog

A new Member of the family!!!!!!!

Knona had her baby!! I'm sooo friggin happy!! She should have visited the salon on her way out!! I can't wait to see her, Korina, you're a brave girl, I'm very happy for you!! Love ya~! ...
Posted by SacredCyn on Thu, 10 May 2007 05:53:00 PST

Type O Ngative - Please buy our Product

Posted by SacredCyn on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 08:48:00 PST

Mexican art and stuff

Posted by SacredCyn on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:18:00 PST

Scan Art

This image is autobiographical, somewhat surreal, taken from scanned images put together into a collage. The rest is pretty self explanatory.   ...
Posted by SacredCyn on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:57:00 PST

Digital Art

These are just a few of my digital/photo manipulation projects: Messing around with Line art, and filters Photographs taken by me: Surreal Dreamlike: my two worlds Photography: (ocean: taken by ...
Posted by SacredCyn on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 12:14:00 PST

i should sleep

fuckin shit, i'm just sitting here with nothing to fucking do except look blankley at my moniter and hope that this hell forsaken headache goes away. Painkillers fucking working thier magic, but I ca...
Posted by SacredCyn on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 12:33:00 PST

sigh just another unfortunate circumstance

Tigua's Screwed..   No Picnic at Speaking Rock Washington lobbyists shakedown Indian casinos BY LOU DUBOSEhe small vignette that unfolded during a Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing last m...
Posted by SacredCyn on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:21:00 PST

leave it alone

What can I say; especially when there's not much to be said. When one memory lingers and tortures you, but you don't want to repeat it because people around you have heard it so many times? Do you jus...
Posted by SacredCyn on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 12:25:00 PST

stupid stupid stupid

argh, ok, now I'm just not getting any sleep, about 2:30 my stupid comp went "Kaput".. I haven't slept yet, I'll crash after twelve *maybe* I'm on my sisters now that I'm watching the pudge.. damn thi...
Posted by SacredCyn on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 04:55:00 PST

Randon Rant

According to the Mayan Calender, the world will end in 2012.. December 21, 2012.. well so much for my 30th birthday,      I just read a book on the Toletca Indians.. my great grandmoth...
Posted by SacredCyn on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 05:56:00 PST