About Me
I am George L and i was born in Sydney, Australia in a town called Fairfield in 1977.
I Moved to Athens, Greece at the age of 1,5.
My connection with music begin from my father that he was a dj back in the 80..s and took me to his gigs, I was about 8-10 years old then.In 1992 and at the age of 15 my mom moved to Crete - Hania because of her job so she took me, my brother and sister along.
In the early/middle 90..s I met a dj by the name Danny D. a Greek – Italian mate and started hanging around with him and goin to his gigs in clubs and came out of it a good friendship.
I was almost every night at the club he was working listening to him and study the world of music and djing more closer since back in the 80..s I couldn’t understand much of anything.In 1993 my friend (one of the biggest names back then in Crete - Hania) got a spot as a manager in a radio station that was a place I spend more time than my own home.
Suddenly one evening one of his dj quit before he start his radio program so my friend had nobody to cover for him so I offered myself since music was already a big part of my life since I was a little boy even though I had not much of idea how to mix.
He told me that I don’t have to mix just let the record play till the end and then change to the next one but since I was so excited about playing I of course tried to mix even though I didn’t have experience at all when it came to mixing except those few times my mate let me play in the beginning of the night in the club he was working.After that I got the spot at the local radio station as a resident playing 2-4 times per week (drum & bass, jungle which was very big back then) and it was lots of fun, did really enjoyed it a lot, I was 16 years old and that’s where it hit me, Spinning records made me realize that that’s something I wanted, to be a dj.After a year or so my friend quit and the radio station changed their image and music type totally.
I had to continue playing so I got a daytime and spend all my money buying records.
Before I had a full record collection I started playing in partys around the town.
I Didn’t have my own record tables to practice so I went to a good friend of mine that was also a dj and we practice together for many hours pair day.
We did do couple of party gigs as a duo dj or nowadays its called back to back.Slowly slowly I start playing in small bars/clubs infront of bigger crowd making my skills better and at the same time build a name for myself.
Around 1996 I got a spot as a dj in one of the most known and popular cocktail bar/club in the city of Hania which was a great opportunity for me to start my carrier.
I was working there 7 days a week and couldn’t get enough, I was excited and over my head but in a good way.I did even though kept my daytime job for a while so I could buy more and faster records.
It didn’t took me too long that a start getting offers from other night clubs to go and play for them.I was so thrilled when I got an offer to play at Privilege in Hania - Crete which it was the biggest club in the whole island, 3000-4000 capacity of people.
I had the privilege also to warm up Bob Sinclar in the end of 90..s.
I suppose that back then it was one of the biggest artist at that time that I did play before him.On 2001 I moved to Finland in a town called Oulu which is the biggest city of Northern Finland and start studying the language & culture.
A year after been in Finland and continuing searching for work/gigs I got to play at the most popular club in the town and worked there for a bit over a year till i got an offer from another club and moved there to play.After playing to that club I was also spinning records at the daytime in the biggest shopping mall in town to one of the many clothing stores during the weekends before goin to work.At that time a new club came in town and the clubs dj approached me after I finished my daytime spinning set.
We started hanging around and we did one back to back gig at the same clothing store I was playing during the weekends before work.
On my day offs I was hanging out at that new club and got to spin there few times.Didn’t took very long though till I start working there at the same time as in that other club.
After a while I quit from that other club and start playing records around Finland for that new club by the name Giggling Marlin since it was building clubs all over the country.My time in Giggling Marlin during 2003-2005 was an absolute fun and got to play in different citys which I didn’t ever think I would ever be playing.
At 2005 I stop playing at Giggling Marlin and took a small holiday time for myself to relax.During that time another new club opened in town under the name Onnela, the biggest in town with 4 different sides/music.
After a few months brake I got an offer to play for that latest new club.
At that time Onnela was growing pretty fast around Finland so i desided to move to the capital city of Finland, Helsinki since many of the new clubs were more closer for me.After a quarter of a year of spinning records I have succeed to build a name for myself, got my dj skills in a totally higher level than I was expecting and played in the biggest ever dance festival that have been held in Finland, Colors Festival 2008 among Erick Morillo, Tiesto, Ian Carey, Hoxton Whores, Stonebridge, K-Klass just to mention few.In those 16 years of djing my music style have took a way weird course from drum & bass, jungle, goa/psychedelic trance, hardcore, so i end up to Deep/Electro/Progressive House and Trance.
I am still learning though more about playing gig by gig.In my time here in Finland i have had the pleasure to warm up a local dj/producer by the name JS16 and also his latest group KENDI, Alex Kunnari and the worlds famous dj Dj Sash.