Formerly in punk band The Margaret Thatchers, and sporadically in experimental post-pub collective Manta. I spent a few years playing about with cheap keyboards and drum machines, then got hold of an acoustic guitar and started writing songs, mostly in the back of a rusting beige van somewhere by the sea/up on the Yorkshire Moors.
In the past year (& a bit) I have been fortunate enough to play gigs/house shows/a festival/open mic nights with lots of nice people, some of whom have been amongst the most positive and inspiring I have met in a long time.
I'm pretty much always on the look-out for gigs. If interested, just give me a nod & I shall be happy to oblige. Ta!
"He had a lovely jumper" - Whisperin & Hollerin
"Like a Magnet by Travels by Telephone has one of the most beautiful chord sequences you will ever hear in an acoustic song" - Audioscribbler
"Like A Magnet- Travels By Telephone: A lovely song bathed in warmth" - Terrascopic
Watching it all from above
Like I'm floating through the darkness over pinpoint lights
Flickering like tiny fires
With the ashes and the embers of the things that I have left behind