HyeE gUyzZ!! WaSsUp, Let mE 2 intRodUCe mySeLf nOw..My ReAL NaMe Is MimiE aLLiSa.. PeoPle caLlinG mE MiMiE... bUt somE oF thEm aLwiz CalL mE cUTeiz.. hahaa.. Juz Let thEm call... i LikE it.. Emm on dis 1st mARCh 09 i aLready 22nd yEars oLd.. LoOk yOunG aS mY facE ritE.. haahaa.. i dOnt caRe wat peOpLe think bOut' mE.. fOr mE aLL hAvE i dOne waS mYLiFe... aS u alL nOe... LiFe wiLl aLwiz gO On evEn wE tRy tO sTop it... sO Let it bE... aNyWay, jUz waNnA Let U nOe tHat i m hERe 4 sEaRChinG nEw FriEnd alL aRoUnd dA wOrLd... hOpe tHat u aLL HaVe FeW sEcoND 2 drOp in iN2 MySpace CoRner... LeT gEt ShaRiNg... fOr d End, aPrECiEte iF u aLl eNjOY stUFFiNg mYsPace cOrnEr... LUV U... mUUaaHhhxZ..
Video provided by ..TK
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
M Mystical
I Irresistible
M Mischievous
I Influential
E Explosive Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator From Go-Quiz.compEoPLe whO in tRobLESome... cOZ i caNT bE tHeir gOoD mEdicIne... Hahaa... gEt StARted guyyzzz...