Member Since: 28/04/2008
Band Website: None yet
Band Members: Grim Corpse Eater: Vocals
????????? : Guitars
?????????: Guitars
?????????: Bass Guitars
Influences: Crack the bone you will find us. Hmmmmmm.......... Influences.....? To start a main influence now is strife between humans. The sadistic nature of humanity, and all for what? Some type of safety you feel after you step on someone's head as you strive to rise to the top. The darkness in which we dwell is our nature so we will scream it until the heavens bleed. The world of darkness , Vampires, Werewolves, Death, and Decay. All tools, All Abitors of Sickness, used in individual ways of stabbing some one in the back. The world in which you do not believe is true to exist. Is the world which will now influence YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds Like: Come meet us in a dark alley and find out?
Record Label: none