I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
So here we are tonight, %D%AYou and me together %D%AThe storm outside, the fire is bright %Dnd in your eyes I see %D%AWhat's on my mind %D%AYou've got me wild %D%ATurned around inside %Dnd then desire, see, is creeping %D%Aup heavy inside here %Dnd know you feel the same way %D%AI do now %D%ANow let's make this an evening %D%ALovers for a night, lovers for tonight %D%AStay here with me, love, tonight %D%Ajust for an evening %D%AWhen we make %D%Aour passion pictures %D%AYou and me twist up %D%ASecret creatures %Dnd we'll stay here %D%ATomorrow go back to being friends %D%A%D%AGo back to being friends %Dut tonight let's be lovers, %D%AWe kiss and sweat %D%AWe'll turn this better thing %D%ATo the best %D%AOf all we can offer, Just a rogue kiss %D%ATangled tongues and lips, %D%ASee me this way %D%AI'm turning and turning for you %D%AGirl, just tonight %D%A%Dloat away here with me %Dn evening just wait and see %Dut tomorrow go back to your man %D%AI'm back to my world %Dnd we're back to being friends %D%AWait and see me, %D%ATonight let's do this thing %Dll we are is wasting hours until the sun comes up it's all ours %D%AOn our way here %D%ATomorrow go back to being friends %D%A%D%AGo back to being friends %D%ATonight let's be lovers, say you will %Dnd hear me call, soft-spoken whispering love %D thing or two I have to say here %D%ATonight let's go all the way then %D%ALove I'll see you, %D%AJust for this evening %D%ALet's strip down, trip out at this %D%AOne evening starts with a kiss %D%ARun away %D%A%Dnd tomorrow %Dack to being friends %D%ALovers...love...lovers %D%AJust for tonight, one night...love you %Dnd tomorrow say goodbye%D%A......