Rômulo Gonçalves est né dans l’état de Sao Paulo où il se passionne dès l’âge de 16 ans pour la guitare. Il fera partie de divers groupes de rock, blues et musiques traditionnelles brésiliennes. Entre 1999 et 2000, il remporte plusieurs concours régionaux (meilleur chanteur guitariste et compositeur en 1999, Mato Grosso). Afin de découvrir la richesse et la diversité musicales de son pays, il voyagera dans cet immense Brésil pendant plusieurs années avant de venir s’installer en France en 2001. Rômulo investit alors les scènes françaises et participe à de nombreux festivals au sein de plusieurs formations musicales (Fada do Samba, Caminho, Ozabumba, Duo de Guitares du Brésil, Choeur en scène...).
Son ouverture musicale l'amène à travailler sur de nombreux projets :-musique originale du documentaire "Une Terre pour Vivre".
-comédien et musicien dans les spectacles "Blaise Cendrars", "Epocas", et le conte musical pour enfants "Là où les Hommes se promènent".
- Duo de guitares classiques avec les Chromosomes Heureux.Rômulo est auteur-compositeur guitariste et multi-instrumentiste. Il vous fait (re)découvrir la musique populaire brésilienne, le choro-cançao, le samba, la bossa-nova, et interprète avec sensibilité de grands compositeurs comme Tom Jobim, Chico Buarque, Guinga, Villa Lobos.Concert improvisé avec Augusto de Alencar après la première édition du spectacle Epocas : soirée privée Enloft à Poitiers.
Romulo Gonçalves et Augusto de Alencar
..Romulo Gonçalves was born in Brasil, in the State of Sao Paulo. From the age of 16, he develops a passion for the guitar. He then belongs to various groups of rock, blues and traditional Brasilian musics. Between 1999 and 2000, he wins several local competitions (best guitarist singer and composer in 1999, Mato Grosso).
So as to get to know the rich variety of the music in his vast country, he travels all over Brasil for several years before coming over to France in August 2001. Romulo then becomes a well-known artist in Bordeaux, takes part in the 2003 "Brésil Métis" festival.
During the Brasil year in 2005, he plays at the Sattelit Café (Brasil Paris Festival), takes part in the festival "Once upon a time Brasil" in Poitiers, at the Conseil Régional of Poitou-Charente for the summer music festival, Brasil Tempo Festival in Talence... He also plays within the group Caminho (in association with the Caminho das crianças NGO) in which he makes important human and musical contacts : Valéry Bertrand, Yan Gilet, Augusto de Alencar... With Valéry Bertrand he sets up a guitar duet,"Two voices and two guitars from Brasil". Bewitched by the group Ozabumba, he sings their Afro-Brasilian melodies with energy and belongs to "Choeur en scène", an opera house company counting 18 singers and comedians.
As a soloist, Romulo Gonçalves is an original and sensitive interpreter of the different currents of Brasilian music (samba, bossa-nova, MBP) and plays his own repertoire (works inspired by his numerous travels and his Brasilian cultures). He has composed the original music for the film "Une Terre pour Vivre" (2005, DVD available) that was presented in the framework of the documentary festival "Un autre Brésil" in Paris, July 8th 2005.
The year 2008 was particularly rich in musical creations as well as in drama. Along with Marcelo Braga,a classical pianist, he created the show "Epocas" : a musical and literary journey through 20th century Brasil, that was presented within the 2nd Brasilian festival in South-Charente "Une Terre pour Vivre" organised by the Cajou Association in October 2008. He also created, with Isabelle Scharff, a musical tale for children "Where Men Take a Walk", adapted from an original text by Paula Gonçalves.
2009 will hopefully be the year when he produces an album.Rômulo et Valère - Les Bistrots de l'Eté 2005 - Poitiers