I think I've got good old fashioned values and a big heart. I'm all for helping the needy (the TRULY needy) while kicking the people who sponge off of society out for good. I'd like to put an armed sentry at every quarter mile marker along our borders to put an end to the influx of one of the most pernicious forces affecting the future of our democratic way of life: the rising tide of illegal immigration. Don't get me wrong, I know that our country was built on the enterprise and spirit of hard-working immigrants. That's not what I'm talking about. Believe it or not I'm a vegetarian. Ask me how I can be for capital punishment but generally against the use of animals for food if you like. To me, there's no conflict there. To the good, the innocent, I pray for nothing but peace. To the guilty, the most destructive elements of society, I hope for swift justice.I don't believe that might makes right, but I think we're reaching a turning point as a country and a people, and that if we don't get our act together and do something decisive about problems in our security, and to safeguard the fundamental principles which have fostered the rapid and sustained progress seen in this nation and abroad, our way of life will crumble and we'll be overrun by socialism, and possibly even worse. It takes courage to mount physically forceful action when all the world's eyes are upon us, but it is the time for action above all else. Reinvoking something I wrote to a myspace friend recently, who is a soldier, my feeling about the use of military force is thus: a strong military can literally stand between the best society can achieve and the worst its most nefarious elements can inflict because it is the physical force that must succeed when all else fails. Progress is not possible without its guard, and should we fail to exercise our military option forcefully, my fear and belief is that the destructive elements seeking to overtake this country will choke our vitality like so many weeds overcoming an unkept garden.Final thoughts for now: Use the mind all the time, use the body when the argument of mind is insufficient to accomplish the task at hand. At all times, let the heart bear witness to what the mind and body do. Compassion is important. Awareness is vital. Action is paramount.
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