books, movies, cooking, knitting, interesting things
nobody. no thanks. got enough people already. i'll let you know when someone leaves an opening.
Yes, please. Give me new suggestions. Current things I'm loving: Rufus Wainwright's new one, still love the Shins, TV on the Radio (even still). Very much loving teaching nieces about my music. Sarah and Allison are all about Mick and Cheap Trick. And Emily wants me to give her more John Denver, Billy Bragg, and Justin Timberlake on her iPod.
Almodovar, Cuaron. Loved Children of Men. Can't wait for the new Nancy Drew.
Antiques Road Show, any documentary on PBS especially about strange religions like Mormons, all of the Law and Orders, Midsomer Murders and Poirot, Waking the Dead on BBC America. Tivo is the best invention ever and Charter's DVR sucks. Gilmore girls is NOT brilliant this season and so deserves to die.
Knitting books. I mean books about knitting. Though a knit book would be cool. At any time I can be found reading a novel, a memior, a knitting book, and a book that I hope will give me some business insight. Novel of the week: I am Charlotte Simmons. It's a re-read but Bleak House has inspired me.
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