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About Me

the ministry FUERZA CHRISTIANA... are just going out in the streets getting people to know about GOD DA BEGINING AND END . My daughter and the lider of the kidz are just useing a pupet to get out to the kidz and let them know about God. I want people to support me in this ministry that God has gave me a prevelidge to be in. Just want to tell every body out there that God loves you and God bless you.. and help me with your prayers..Thank youHola la iglesia FUERZA CHRISTIANA esta saliendo a las calles hablando a la gente acerqua de la salvacion eterna en JESUS. Mi hija, mi lider de los ninos y yo junto con mi puppet llamado "chilaquilito" evangelizamos a los ninos en los parques y calles. deseo pedirles su apoyo a nuestro ministerio con sus oraciones. solo deseo obedecer el mandamiento de Dios de llevar las BUENAS NUEVAS ...Gracias y Dios Los bendiga

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un corazon chilaquilito

Sobre toda cosa guardada,guarda tu corazon porque de el mana la vida Proverbios 4:28 UN CORAZON CHILAQUILITO ES: C onverso       &nbs p;    &...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 18:43:00 GMT

Take a look at this

table, tr, td {border:0px;}table tbody tr td table tbody tr td.text table tbody tr td table tbody tr td .orangetext15 {margin-left:0px;}table table table table {border:0px;}u {text-decoration:none;}bo...
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 20:06:00 GMT