Music, Sports, Friends,Playing Cards/Games, Cooking, Math, Reading, Jumping around being loud, Taking road trips, Coaching, My Family, Marching, Yelling the C-Cheer at the top of my lungs at CSUS sporting events, Concerts, Van Halen, SF Giants and 49ers, Sacramento St. Hornets, SIOC, PCB, MCE
Rockers and other such measurements.
If there is one thing to know about me, know that I exist for music. I'm a classic rocker.
Spaceballs, Remember the Titans, The Saint, Disney, Knocked Up, League of Their Own, 300 are some of my current favorites.
Sports Center, What Not to Wear, Real World/Road Rules, Friends, Sex and the City, Anything on TLC, Animal Planet, ESPN, Food Network, Game Show Network.
Read. It's good for you.
My Daddy, Steve Irwin, Allison and Melissa, Popeye, Hack Wilson, Peter Frampton, and all the people who have big dreams and are making them happen.