Hey! the name’s Marlene. I’m a very focused and motivated young lady. I know exactly what I want for myself I know where I’m headed. I’m way passed immaturity even further away from being naive, so if you plan to write me, aim to enlighten other wise kick rocks! ha! I’m a listener, quiet at times don’t misconstrue that im not shy (there’s a difference! lol), I’m in love with knowledge, intellectuals, and the idea of bettering yourself at any given time. God, family, and my future are priority. I adore my girlfriends they‘re irreplaceable. I can’t imagine life w/o my mom, God is love and faith is what fortifies me. The End.
Important: The songs I decide to post on my page have never been directed at anyone, nor do they have any reflection on my current mood! I just like them =] thanks.