VeganSoul profile picture


About Me

Thanks for checking out my site! I’m currently working on a project and I need your help. In the next year or two I’d like to publish a collection of shared Vegan experiences. This is going to be a book geared towards friends and family members of vegans. We all know that the most difficult part of becoming vegan is lack of support from loved ones. I want to put together a series of heart felt moments, funny stories, and personal experiences for vegans and non-vegans alike. But I need your help! Please send me your stories, poems, thoughts, ect on the following topics:
~when/how/why you became vegan
~friends/family reactions
~defining moments
~being alone
~making a difference
And anything you feel you’d like to share with the world on being vegan!
I will need your name and contact info if you would like your submission to be published, if you would like to remain anonymous please say so. I will not be able to provide any compensation, all proceeds for this project will be donated to various VEGAN charities. Thanks for your help and support!
All submissions can be made via myspace or [email protected]

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