Tennis, college hockey, working out for tennis, reading, the 80's, Andy Bickerton, Leelanau
Seinfeld, ESPN, Family Guy, Everybody Loves Raymond, SportsCenter, and Nip/Tuck
My mother and father, The Red Sox, Curt Schilling, Nomar Garciaparra, Dave Roberts, David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez, Bill Mueller, BKG, Arthur Ashe, Bjorn Borg, Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, James Blake, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Thomas Sowell (Philosophical economist), Tim Cook and Chris Cook, Mitch Stock, (Andy Stock, you're right up there) and anyone who has a drive that has caused them to try to achieve the impossible to prove that one truth... impossible is nothing. Thank you guys, you have given me the impetus to do the same thing with my life and I know that we all feel the same way as I do about one another...You guys have been to the edge and back, as have I and our kinship is what makes us unique. It makes us uncommon men, and I am proud to have you as friends.