O.k.! This is Kadi and I'm going to tell you all about my best friend Allison... She is the most awesome beautiful person I have ever met. Allison is 23 years old and she is origanally from Florida but Georgia was graced with her presence. She is currently studying early childhood development, she will graduate next May... Luckily your child will be fortunate enough to have her!Everything I know about Allison can be summed up in a sentence. Allison is the most caring and compassionate soul I have ever met in my life. She is the mini version of me (ha Al!!) She is who I feel comfortable with and the shoulder I can cry on. I know (without a doubt) that she is one of the only people I can count on 100% of the time!Ask her anything... no matter what as long as your talking to her it will be a good conversation. Now you have been graced with the presence of one person I couldn't live my live without...