Been there, done that. Bought the T-shirt. Got fat, and outgrew the T-shirt. That is the story of Once Blind. Each member has spent years in the local bar band circuit, in various genres of the Minneapolis music scene. Each member has had many ups and down, made personal memories, connected with people, made friends – pretty much “did it allâ€. Been there, done that.But there was always something missing. No – not fame, fortune, big cars. Heck – Ted can barely drive the car he has, and certainly doesn’t know how to take care of one. He doesn’t need a big expensive machine to destroy.No – there was always this sense of dissatisfaction – or should I say MISS-satisfaction. Something was really missing. Each member felt this – and it continued to grow stronger and stronger.And each member, in his time, came to the realization that playing for self was not going to cut it. And playing for self was what they were doing – whether it was an audience of girlfriends and spouses, or thousands – they always played for themselves.That changed as each member finally heard the call – the call that was always there. “Stop playing for yourself. Play for MEâ€. God was calling. He was challenging them to write songs for Him and Him only. And LUCKFULLY, they listened!Once Blind is a band of Christians, not just a “Christian Bandâ€. They are just like you – they have struggles they deal with daily. They fall down. They hurt, and hurt others. But by the grace of God, they are filled with the desire to play for a new audience. An audience of one!