Hey there, I'm hoping if your geezing this myspace page you wouldn't mind supporting me on Triple J's Unearthed web site?.... The link's below, cheers! Also, you can download some of my tunes there so go nuts!
Well basically I've made these songs cause, I like doing it! I played piano when I was younger, then moved onto the guitar with the great JOHNNO showing me the ropes. I've written since i worked out I didn't suck at singing in 2004'ish. I guess the style is cruisey, light and fairly simple most of the time, but it's meaningful and inclusive..... and i guess sometimes it's completely meaningless and exclusive, but ya get that. The songs vary in relation to my mood, as I'm sure it does with most songwriters. I like playing em and I think people like listening to em, so get on it and make us both happy!
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