B A N G ! - |_@ur@♥ profile picture

B A N G ! - |_@ur@♥

I have an analogy for everthing :]

About Me


Shot at 2007-08-04
♥ My full name is Laura Catherine Hibbert. You may call me Laura, Loz NOT Lawz urgh Here is some random stuff about me that has just popped into my head.
♥ I feel too much. Or too less.
♥ I love it when little things make me laugh.
♥ I want more than I need, but it's less than I want.
♥ I swear I have a troubled relationship with chocolate.
♥ I worry about not worrying.
♥ I like being the person that make people laugh.
♥ I hate it when people give me a dissapointing look when I'm just about to eat something.
♥ I love food, but it doesn't seem back.
♥ I long for a kissing photo :(
♥ I say stupid things at stupid times.
♥ If you're a boy I will reffer to you as 'she' sometimes in speech, or vice verser, I don't know why, I cleary acknowlegde that you are of a certain gender, unless you are some sort of transexual looking human beging.
♥ I like to talk in depth about things using big words, it makes me feel brainy.
♥ I don't seem to be able to keep my bank balance full.
♥ I love looking out the window to watch beautiful things when I'm travelling.
♥I love rainbows and they pretty days when the sky looks lovely.
♥ I've discovered the wonder that is internet shooping and find bidding on ebay gives me a bit of an adrenalyn rush :D
♥I hate standing still on the dancefloor and being mocked for my dance face. he he .
♥I love pasta. You can mix ANYTHING with pasta and it'll be fooking delicious.
♥I hate getting my hopes up and then people just go and let me down.
♥ I make a fool out of myself often ♥I hate polystyreene (or however you spell it) in any shape or form- mainly cups. I went thirsty at PGL because the drinks were in polystyriiine cups. So I refused to drink.
♥ I am begining to wonder if 'the one' is acutally out there.Two truley terrbiley fantastic friends are... *!Jo!* And *!Amy!*... I ♥ them loadz!!!
And here are some more cool people!


My Interests

I love performing arts. I want need to perform!!! So after 6th form, go onto uni do that. Try out my thing for 5 years or so and if all else fails, teach it!

I'd like to meet:

♥DOUGIE FROM MCFLY!!! -♥lol, because he's hawt.

MY FAIRYTALE PRINCE CHARMING- That special someone who thinks finds me beautiful in every way, even for my faults.


I'm into pretty much anything with a good beat, something catchy and clever, explains my love for MCFLY, although you may disagree I think they're ace, so there. I still hate dance music though. Pfft to it I say. I just like music I can sing and dance to!!!
How cool is this!


Well at the moment my hey are...
♥Memoirs of a Geisha
♥Hot Fuzz


I like others, but can't be arsed... I like movies like I like my music.


I don't read them, I wish I did, but I just don't. I don't like it much. How do I get through school. Ooo I do like reading magazines though!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


A heart of many layers
A heart of many colours
A heart of one purpose
A heart, my heart, for you...