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I am here for Friends

About Me

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TAKE A LOOK AT ALL THE TATTOOING VIDEOS (just click on the viedo bar at the top )of my page AND TATTOO PHOTOS OF SOME OF MY WORK. ALSO THERE ARE BODYBUILDING PICS AND WEIGHT TRAINING VIDEOS OF ME AND MY WORKOUT PARTNERS THAT ARE SCARTTERED THROUGHOUT MY PAGES OF PICS AND PAGES OF VIDEOS Hello,It's my pleasure that you have taken the time to grace my page with your presence. My name is Jimi .I'm extremely happy that you stopped by my page.I know that with so many people on here that its hard to find time 2 drop in on everyone so again THANKS!!!!! 2 tell u a little about me, as u can see from some of the pics I'm a professional tattoo artist. I've been doing this going on 20yrs. now. The first couple of years weren't that great but it was still what I felt I was 2 do in this life. I spent a few yrs. looking 4 an apprenticeship(someone 2 teach me)and finally found one. I had been in and out of so many tattoo studios looking for someone to take me in and teach me how to be a professional tattooist. It was one door being closed after another. After so many rejections I began to think it was almost hopeless. I was young to begin with and, as much as I hate to say it, Black on top of that. All the odds against me. But in truth, when are they ever in your favor. I realized that I need a plan. I needed more than just asking for it. I set my sites on one tattoo artist that had a cool nature about him. He had a small shop, but who needs alot of space for this anyway. It was not lavish or anything like that but he had what I wanted and was were I was trying to be. I started just coming around the shop as often as I could. Day after day showing my face and asking small suttle questions about what it was that he did. I had told him several times that I really wanted to be a tattoo artist and he would say things like"Well keep at it and you just might make it one day". I would tell him about the tats I was doing at home which was not the way to do it, and he stressed that to me over and over again. I knew he did not like talking shop with me but he was kind-hearted enough to blow me off smoothly. The more he showed his dislike for what I was doing the more that he influenced me to want to do this right and not the wrong way. Alot of artist have a start like this also. But I wanted to be like him, a REAL PROFESSIONAL. He told me "ANYONE CAN PUT SOME INK IN SOMEONE'S SKIN BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM A TATTOO ARTIST!!" THERE IS A big difference in the 2. And the more he spoke the more I listened. He did not tell me much but what he said made alot of sense. Once I realized this I was even more determined to be good at what I wanted to do. The more I wanted to be like him. I would do little things at his shop like grabbing the broom and start sweeping up his waiting area. He would say "NOW YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THAT" and I was like "hey it's no problem, I'm always hanging around here anyway, I might as well do something instead of just being in the way." He didn't like it but he didn't say much else about it. Day after day, and week after week I was there. It was alot better than hanging in the streets which was leading me in bad directions and alot of other troubles. I didn't want to wear out my welcome but I was drawn to the studio like "flies to sh*t". One day I was in his ear bothering him with questions again and he said to me "YOU REALLY WANT TO BE A TATTOO ARTIST THAT BAD HUH?" I said, HELL YES! He looked at me for a minute like he was in deep thought and then said come back here and let me show you how to clean some of this equipment for me since you are always here. He sat me down and we got started cleaning all this stuff. He showed me how to be careful cleaning because of the blood and bacteria on the equipment. And was explaining how you have to be careful because you don't want to get what someone else has by not being careful. After he was confident that I would be ok doing this, he started to walk out and leave me to it cause he had some clients out front. He turned to me and said, "You will have to learn from the bottom up if you want to do this." I said, "no problem". He was like, "we'll see". Day after day I was there. Cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. It was alot of work and still nothing about tattooing had we done. Weeks went by but I was cool. It was sorta like that movie THE KARATE KID. WAX ON WAX OFF. LOL. And once I had all that down we started on learning about sterlizing and sanatizing surfaces. He really took his time with me and taught me so much and we still had not done one tat yet. Sometimes I would get frustrated because I was doing everything except tattooing and one day while I was in one of my frustrated moods he explained that "YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER THERE IS MORE TO TATTOOING THAN JUST TATTOOING." And that was all he had to say to remind me that he was teaching the trade and the business at the same time. He said to me, "LOOK, WITH YOU BEING BLACK IT WILL BE EVEN HARDER FOR YOU TO GET A GIG. SO YOU NEED TO HAVE AS MUCH SKILL AND CRAFT AND EXPERIENCE AS YOU CAN GET SO THAT IF THEY STILL TURN YOU AWAY , IT WILL NOT BE BECAUSE YOU ARE NO GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO. KNOWLEDGE IS SOMETHING THAT THEY CAN NOT SAY YOU WON'T HAVE." And he was right in his methods of training me. Well, one thing lead to another and after what felt like an eternity, he started teaching me how to build machines, needles, mixing inks,etc. He really gave me all that he knew and had to offer. I was so grateful for him being in my life when I needed him the most. Soon I was tattooing in the studio and it just blossomed from there. When I look back on the tattooing it was not the best but you had to start learning first. And the more we worked at it the better it became. I Wish he could be here now to see how I turned out, but life chose to take him from this world. I miss you Frank, and I know you're proud of what I became. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR ME. I'LL HONOR YOUR NAME FOREVER. I moved around alot, here and there, after that.From Kali to Europe and back, and so many places in between. I like to call those yrs. my NOMAD YRS because I was constantly searching for somewhere to really call home. And I still don't know how I did that with hardly any money in either pockets, but the memories and experiences are stories to talk about in themselves. Tattooing was harder after that because it was very hard 2 get a gig anywhere back then. In those days there weren't so many shops like there are these days. 1 here 1 there is sorta how it was back then. Alot more underground it was u might say. Now everybody is getting tattooed. From your average joe ,2 police, lawyers,docs,and even your 3rd grade school teach. But don't get me wrong that's the good part of this gig now. U meet soo-many different people from every aspect and walk of life. But ,back 2 the story. Alot (not all) of shops would not take me, and that bothered me because I would call on the phone and ask if studios were hiring. My voice, lets say, didn't really fit 4 what they saw come through their door saying"I'M here 4 the interview." 1 look at me and then it was,"u must be mistaken, were not hiring." I'll let u figure out the why's on that one. But anyway. I got some work here and there, took a few breaks from tattooing along the way too. Then 1 day I decide 2 go 4 it and open my own studio. I took a job working for Brinks Armored Car (100hrs/week-120 hrs) and my weekends were spent tattooing at one of my friend's studio .He couldn't give me more time working there then. It was only every so often because the studio wasn't doin 2 well. I did that 4 a while and with selling my car, my furniture, my jewerly, and hell even my dog etc etc,oh not to mention a little hustling(NOT DOPE).See a real man is going 2 get out there and get it. Taking care of his family and business is always priority. And REAL MEN FEEL ME ON WHERE I'M COMING FROM ON THAT ONE ALWAYS. But UNFORTUNATELY not those WATERED-DOWN CLOWNS running around calling themselves real men. I knew how Blacks got treated in tattoo shops from a better point of view than most of you who are reading this now. Because I worked in these shops I saw and heard the differences in how these artist(not All tattoo artist, but enough of them that it was a problem for me) treated the black clients that would walk in the studios. And I'm sure some of u know what I mean when reading this. And the PRICES, SH**T---!!!. You would be surprised. And with me working there knowing this is what they are doing or not doing to or against these clients. The BALLS on those MOTHER F**KAS. But they had the studios and the knowledge that I was still lacking. So, I was going to keep learning and learning from them just the same even though i would have rather been able to get it from a better class of artist but that was what i had and so be it. See no matter how bad they did sometimes I still needed them to make myself better, and they had what I needed,(THE GAME). "And SH*%TTT-!!!! I WAS GONNA GET ALL OF IT."I wanted to change some of that sh*t black clients went through and give something back to my people that I took from those people who cared nothing for them. Success will always come with a high price tag. Sometimes you have to be willing to sacrifice for what you want. When it came time to open my own place, I said,"I'll put my shop in the heart of OAK CLIFF, DALLAS TEXAS where I had a good concentration of potential black clients. That was back in the end of 94. Opening took all of my money and possessions as i said. And by the time I opened I had sold everything, and NO BULLS**T, I had 75 cents left 2 my name, PERIOD...Biggest chance I ever took in my life, at that time anyway. I was really scared, but F**K IT..!!!! I opened shop that day and have been going ever since.. THANKS 2 ALL MY CLIENTS FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN. I COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT ALL OF YOU . MUCH RESPECT..With all those pieces of skin coming in, it really allowed me 2 improve every day with my tattooing. And I have been striving to get better and better still every day. But I do have to say that your trials in life seem at that very time, to be so hard on you. But once you get passed whatever you are going thru something else will always come forward and present you with a new crisis or extreme challenge. There's just no escaping that in life. Once everything seemed like it was smooth sailing on the business end, it was easy to get relaxed. I found myself hiring other artist and piercers to work for me and then it REALLY TURNED INTO A BUSINESS. And some of the same problems that I saw in other shops on a less noticable scale, began to surface around me once more. The same problems but still different. One day I noticed a somewhat common trend happening more and more frequently. I would be working in the studio and CUSTOMERS(THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS)LET ME EXPLAIN SO YOU WILL UNDERSTAND IT FROM A CLEAR VIEWPOINT. Customers are those people who have never been in the studio and really have no idea about what you do or how well you do it. These are mostly the one's who only care about HOW MUCH THE TAT COST. They never seem to care about what to do to make it look the best. 60-70% of them are the worst type of people to deal with. They are the one's that want to talk sh*t and complain about money and have no patience. They want to talk to you like they are doing you a favor, and you should just give it away to them for whatever they think is a fair price. As if they own you and tell you about how to run your business. And when they can't get the price they want for "WHAT IT IS YOU DO." Oh they start trippin. they get mad like you are stealing from them. And like they have no where else to go looking for a price that they like since that's all they are concerned about. But as artists we know enough of those types of customers. You see them everyday. And thats the down side of this business. See, you can get too many of those type of customers in the shop in one day and it begins to have a negative effect on your creative thinking. See, "negative energy will always breed negative thought." When tattooing, like with any other art form you have to have creative thought. Your creative juices must be flowing like the "Niagra Falls" in order to bring out the best possible creation that you can imagine their tattoo to be. I have never understood why some people would create situations that put their artist in a negative thought or bad feeling of (THIS IS WHAT I'M THINKING IN MY HEAD AT THE TIME),"God I don't want to do their tat. They are NOT LISTENING!! They are so fu*kin not listening,and DAMN!!! Don't I know what I do best, better than they do", and on top of that,like i said before, these type of customers are always about the cheapest way to do it, never the best. They will say things out of pocket and argue about "I only pay $40 or $50 for my tattoos!!! I will never pay more than that for a damn tattoo. They then say "who do ya think you are? See this tat right "hur" (hood-rat a*s motherf*cka). Now, the tattoo that they are referring to and pointing at that they already have on them has absolutely nothing in common with the tattoo that we are discussing about them getting done right now. The tattoos aren't the same in any way. They are not the same size. They are not the same shape. They do not have the same color schemes. For example, she has a four letter cursive name half inch tall, two inches long, written in single line script or print "Like if you took a pen and wrote your name on a piece of paper quickly" but the tattoo that they are wanting to get on this particular day is a six inch tall rose with a butterfly on it and the entire tattoo is about the size of your cable television remote, and they are arguing with me about that this particular tat is not worth the $120 that i quoted them. And with them trying to make anarguement thinking this rose should be the same price as this little cursive name they already have. Then saying to me "I can go to my homeboys apartment and get that same shit for $40 or $50." Then I'll say "Well if you have a friend that tattoos at the same level and caliber of expertise as I do, then why are you in here arguing with me about my prices and how i do things when you can just go to your $40 friend and not have to go through all this bullsh*t complaining and arguing with me. Especially when i am only trying to give you the best of me and what it is i do. And here you are not respecting that "HAVE A NICE DAY". Now you are probably thinking thats the end of that situation "WRONG!!!!!". They then turn around and say, well f*ck it, I will go ahead and get it even though you're charging me up for all my money, "I got kids and sh*t". Now, you that are reading this story, Do you honestly think that after all of that I really want to do this f*ckin tat. Do you have any idea what I have to do to get my mind back right in order to do this persons tat after they put me through all that. Now think about it,would you talk that way to the chef or waiter thats going in the back preparing your dinner? "HELL NO!!" They are liable to just piss all in it. LMAO. Now with some of these people I can get my mind together enough to do whatever it takes to give them the best of my pimpin with this tattooing, but these other motherf*ckers "YOU GOTTA GO-!!LOL. And when you tell them after all of this you just put me through I don't want to do your tat. Because of some of the things you have said, i would not do my best on you for how i feel about you as a person. Damn your money. I'm not bought in that fashion. If you don't have belief and trust in your artist, and respect for your artist, how can your artist possibly have any of those things for you? I don't tattoo that way. This is my art and my talent and I don't give it away or waste it on someone that's that ungrateful. They then stand there and stare at you for a minute. They have this shocked and confused look on their face at first. They say "what do you mean you are not going to do my tattoo? I'm paying you for it!" I then have to say, first of all you did not want to pay me the price that was quoted to you, you then began to argue with me over what I am charging you for "MY TALENTS". They then get upset again looking at you more angry than before, raising their voice because you refuse to do their tattoo. Now here comes the drama, If I wasn't already having enough of it. My personality just won't let that go all the time. SOMETIMES SOMEBODY GOT TO GET CHECKED!!! F*ck this business, f*ck this customer service sh*t, this be nice no matter what they say sh*t.I'm sorry but you got me F*cked--UP!!! I end up saying, first of all I don't deal in services like Burger King(you can have it your way sh*t)does. I'm gonna tell you like this. I deal in RESULTS!!! PERIOD!!! Like when the big drug dealer down in Columbia says he wants his dope at a certain place and time he is not paying those smugglers to TRY TO GET HIS DOPE THERE. He is paying for it to be there OR ELSE. Do you understand the difference between the 2 yet or am I talking to fast for you to keep up. "This is like HOEING!!what i do. You can't tell me how or how much I'm going to sell you my P*ssy for. I pick and choice how I do it, and who I do it with, and when i don't feel like hoeing then I'm not hoeing cause I'm my own Pimp and I make the rules. See you can do that when you OWN YOUR OWN SH*T. I'M NOT YOUR B*TCH, ITS THE OTHER WAY AROUND IN HERE" or to say it a little cleaner, don't go trying to build your castles in MY FU*KIN' SANDBOX. LOL. Now for some reason, there are so many that think you are supposed to take and do whatever just because they say so. I know what I can and can't do. And I'm not going to tattoo something that i do not think is going to come out right in my eyes. Think about it. If you had to have heart surgery and your surgeon says that the way you want it done is not going to work you will not tell them that you know best and they don't know what their doing but yet and still have them operate on you.So on to another problem in the shop. Now another problem i would encounter on a day-to-day basis would be being out front helping people with whatever they were looking for when they came into the shop, and some people would think i was just counter help or something like that at first. They had no idea that i was one of the tattoo artist working here.Let alone that i was the H N I C. When i would ask them"do you need any help" They would look at me and then look around the studio at the other artist and then say to me " I want to talk with an artist." I would be like "I'm 1 of the artist here, how can i help you?" They would then look around again and then say "I want to speak with the WHITE guy" I began to notice that SO MANY BLACKS, in a predominately black area, were putting me thru the same prejudices that i went thru with the whites in the other shops. It was their way of saying that they assumed that the white guy was the better artist in here. And that was never true. These customers would think that cause i was black i could not tattoo. but the white guy, just because he's white, is suppose to be more capable of doing a better tat than me. Being judged solely on the color of your skin can really suck, but it is alot worse when it's your own people doing it to you. That's way harder to blow off especially when you opened this shop in this area to give back to them. Let's not forget that. There was always more money in the white areas for me than here but like i said money was never my issue. I was a CRUSADER. LOL But seriously this can wear down your thinking and eat at you from the inside out.Especially when it is day after day after day after week and so on. More and more you saw this kinda thing. 2-4 people come in for tats and every artist has someone in their chair so they all can leave at the same time since they came here together. And when we were all finished, there were so many times that the ones i did not tattoo on,(someone else did) would like the work i did on their friend more than the tat they got from one of my other artist. and then say things to me like "why didn't you make it more clear that you were the better tattoo artist or that the guy who did my tat was your apprentice. Meaning that" i "am curently teaching them to tattoo. And that they have only been tattooing for a few weeks.lol I got to where i would not even keep tabs on what tats my artist were doing on people like that anymore. Ya see, like I said, alot of negative energy drowns out what positive energy or vibe you have. After a few years of going through this I got tired of the headaches, and the having to debate and prove your a good tattoo artist to them just because I'm black. They could look at my photo albums and still say things like " you didn't do these tats". I got real tired of that. I came in one day and was like " I own this studio. All the money came to me regardless who did the tats." All the other artists were employees getting paid a salary. I thought to myself why am I going to be continuously stressed out when I could just as easily not care anymore. Just get that money. I tried to fight off that feeling as long as I could, but eventually I just became tired. Constantly thinking, how it is so many of my own people are worse and more prejudice against their own kind, than of others. From that point on I always kept a WHITE artist out front for them to see and talk to. If they didn't come in the shop asking for me I let the other artists do the talking to them. It was funny that when I put the whites out front and my station at the back of the shop the come on game about pricing sorta went away too. These customers weren't out there trying to JEW-U-DOWN (begging for a hook up) the white guys. EXAMPLE. White guy sayS, "This tat is $200", hood-rat says the same thing that the good upstanding clients always would say, "Okay thank you"...Ain't that a b*tch. Quick to disrespect the black MUTHAF*CKA thats here for your best interest, but yes sir, no sir boss, like a good house n*gga would do. The white guy who doesn't really give a damn about how your tattoo turns out gets the respect from them for free. That was everyday of my life and like I said, I had to make some changes. It was clouding my ora, my glow, my creative thinking, and I wanted to still be able to have that creative thought for the clients that really gave a damn about the pride that I took in tattooing, and tattooing them. Nothing is greater in this business to me than to see that look on their face when the tattoo is finish and they stand in that mirror, and say "DAMN THAT SH*T IS TIGHT"!!! And I joke with them saying, "What the sign on the building say?" SKINTIGHT!!! LOL. They stare at their tat in aww saying I had no idea that it was gonna come out like this "Thank you so much". That look alone was worth more to me than the money they paid me for the tat in my opinion. Some may understand what I am saying some may not. So,I would just blow off the one's that carried themselves a certain way when they came in the shop. See, those kinda people all have similiar traits that act this way. When I would see those tell-tale signs I would just let the other artist deal with them, and I would just avoid them or tell them an artist will be out to help you soon. I mean think about it, thats what I was paying these other mothaf*ckers for. So that my sh*t would be easier and less stressful. You have to call those people collateral damage. Some of these tattoo artist were doing just anything on customers just to get paid for the day. If the artist knew that the idea would not make for a good tat he would still do the tattoo on them knowing it will be fu*ked up when it heals. I'm right back to about where i started again with these same problems and now it is in MY STUDIO. Same things i tried to get away from came back to the surface. Alot of people would come in here and would talk to me like i work for one of these white kats in here. I then made it clear to all the employees that this "putting any kinda crap on my clients and even my customers would not be tolerated in my place." They will perform their jobs to the fullest or they will be fired from skin tight. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I stated to my employees that this is why i opened this shop in the first place and i'll be damn if i will allow you to continue to do tats that are not right for my clients. Now I'm back to standing over every aritst watching what they put on people and how they did it so as to be sure my clients are getting the best work possible for what they are wanting from us. This became work for me and i hate working. Having to baby-sit grown men and keep them from cheating you on your tat. When i was at the studio they did what they were supposed to do, but when i was away they did what they wanted to do behind my back. Like i would not find out or catch someone f*ckin up. I popped up several times unannounced and found things going on in my shop that were not allowed and i had to express my feelings again. they always had an excuse why they did this tat or that. But in truth it was always about the money for them. They did not want to talk you out of spending money right then. They wanted what money you had then in your pocket. They were just caring about themselves and not OUR clients. It is NEVER WRONG to tell a client that this concept that they want tattooed will not work or needs to be done a different way or larger way in order to be right. It is the responsibilty of that artist to perform at his or her highest level for their clients. We are painting a picture on you for life. Everyone who gets a tattoo truly inside wants their new tat to be SOMETHING TO LOOK AT AND SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF WEARING EVERYDAY OF THEIR LIFE. Not JUST tattooing a future COVER-UP. Over the yrs. i have hired and fired for only that reason. I could not tolerate an artist who just DOES TATS. THERE ARE 10's of 1000's of them. I wanted the professional artist who took PRIDE in their craft and it showed in their tattooing. They did not have to be perfect, but they had to always be willing and striving for PERFECTION. THAT IS THE TYPE OF ARTIST I HAD RESPECT FOR AND WANTED IN MY STUDIO. I had plenty of good solid artist and some sh*tty ones too. But one day i came to my studio and some of the same nonsense was occurring still. I was finally fed up. Their not taking me seriously. I thought to myself what i opened this place up for in the first place and realized that my quest had gotten lost somehow in the shuffle. NO MORE!!! I turned to my aritst and said "THAT'S IT. GET YOUR SH*T AND GET OUT. NO LONGER WOULD I LET THIS KIND OF THING GO ON. There were so many times i wanted to explain why you should not judge me based on color. But with so many that conversation is way above their heads and it would just lead to bullsh*t. So i went back to the beginning. Back to when i started this shop. JUST ME. No more employees. With me being the only one here, there is no way for any of that to happen anymore. I will forever pick and choose what i tat for the sole benefit of my skills and most important, MY CLIENTS. With me being the only artist i no longer had to worry about what someone was doing in my shop when i was not looking or when i was not there. Everything will run the way I want it to and no other way. Now some customers get pissed because you refuse to do their tat a certain way or because you are the only artist working here and they don't want to wait in line for a tat. Now you loose more customers with this way of thinking for your business, but as an artist you gain so many more true CLIENTS. Those that come back constantly and thank you for the insight and the creativeness you express in their tattoo. Those clients bring their friends and their friends are already reasured that they are in good hands because they have been told about how you explain everything and really take the time to talk to them about their idea for a tattoo instead of just putting it on them any kind of way. That's why i always give so many props and respect to my 10'S of 1000's OF TRUE CLIENTS. As 4 the bodybuilding, I started that in 98. A friend at Bally's took me 2 a REAL GYM and I was INSTANTLY hooked. Hell, I was 160lbs wet then(now 220). There were women in there that were moving around some real serious weight. Guys in there looked like Greek Gods carved from Mount Olympus. My skinny a*s was like "This is where I've got 2 be." and a year later I was on a stage competing. Didn't do 2 good for my first show, but hey, u gotta start somewhere. I loved the gym. I stayed in the gym. Day and Night. I eventually ended up having 4 different gym memberships so I could train with different people in different places. The #1 kat in my bodybuilding life was Mike Scarella. He was Mr. America 91. He was huge. I would watch him train and was just amazed at how strong he was and he had muscles poping out from everywhere. 1 day I needed help on the bench press and he was training 1 of his clients.(1 Of his friends trained Micheal Irving's wife from the Dallas Cowboys). I was scared 2 ask him 4 help but I needed help so I asked. He helped me on the bench press and after I did my set He gave me some advice. He said to me " do you want some advice from me?" I said I 'll take whatever advice you are willing to give me. He was like "you're doing this all wrong". "U lift like a DAMN health clubber!"You don't really know what your doing but like most health-clubbers you think this is the way to do it, but it's not the way to get bigger if that is your goal. And thats why after 5 yrs in the gym, these health clubbers still pretty much look the same as when they first started. He said do this and do that. The next day my chest hurt like a M**ther F**cker!!!!!. I drove 2 the gym at the same time he was training just 2 thank him 4 the advice because it really worked. He said if you got the heart come up here tomorrow and we'll do legs together. Of course I said, "HELL YEAH!!!". That day was BRUTAL. I puked at least twice. Couldn't walk good 4 about a week or so. He then later took me on as a workout partner. More like the extra little guy (who can add some more weight on the bar 4 him )but thats okay cause his fees I couldn't pay if he ask, so there u go, SORTA LIKE THE TATTOOING...:) :):) LOL. He died a few yrs. ago. and Mike, you'll always be my brother.THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR ME MIKE. I'LL ALWAYS HONOR YOUR MEMORY . Eventually, I opened a gym for my wife(I was married then, not anymore) in Dallas. A friend of mine named Bryan Dobson sold me the franchise of his gym because that name rang out in the bodybuilding world. METROFLEX GYM "HOME OF MR.OLYMPIA BIG RON COLEMAN". Yes,we owned 1 of the gyms that the #1 bodybuilder in the world trained under. Although Ronnie never got the chance to guest appear at the gym, his name was something to be a part of. I wanted to open up 2 more tattoo studios but my wife wasn't into what i was doing with the tattooing, which is another story in its self. But she showed some interest in working out, AT THAT TIME ANYWAY, and i was tired of her working these 9-5 JobS. SO I BOUGHT HER A BUSINESS THAT I THOUGHT SHE WANTED INSTEAD. I WANTED HER TO HAVE HER OWN "CAREER" INSTEAD OF A JOB. See, a JOB is nothing but work. A job is that thing you do just because you have to. Not because you want to. People go to their jobs everyday and spend their time looking at the clock waiting on a break and thinking of how much longer they have before they get off work for the day. A CAREER, on the other hand, is what you do because you LUV it. all those with careers know what i mean. It really sucked that my wife didn't have interest in the tattooing. But the ironey in this was that she was my woman when i was trying to get my shop opened. Acting like it was just as important to her as it was to me. WRONG!!! BUT ONCE I GOT IT UP AND RUNNING, and then got married, our relationship CHANGED. Guess i was just a good catch, MONEY WISE, to SPONSER her and her daughter since the child's dad would not do it. BETRAYAL IS A BIT*H! She was always wanting to club, kick it with her friends, and who ever else would buy her next drink WHICH LEAD TO ALOT MORE. I USE TO THINK THAT IF I STAYED IN THIS MARRIAGE LONG ENOUGH IT WOULD GET BETTER. SHE WOULD DO BETTER BY ME. But the harsh truth is that once something is bad, it is BADD. Any male who had nothing going for him at all could have what he wanted from her for FREE. WHILE I'M THE ONE PAYING FOR EVERYTHING SHE AND HER DAUGHTER HAS. I can remember when she was sick of working and i was like why work if you dont want to. I make enough money tattooing to take care of everything. Stay home if you want. OOPPS, BIG MISTAKE on my part. You should never give someone that much FREE time on their hands. while i was working my ass off to provide a better life for her and her daughter, they both are out doing EVERYTHING behind a man's back that could be DONE.DAMN!! I should have seen the signs of my relationship long ago. I asked myself why am i doing this, but love can really blind you if you let it. For a while i hated her for everything she did TO ME. And believe me there was nothing she did not do to me. But later i realized i was only hating myself for letting these things happen to me. People don't fu*k you over, YOU FU*K YOURSELF OVER. It's always easy to say she did this and he did that. People never really stop and realize that you did this to yourself. You picked who you're with. Oh yeah , people can decieve you, but you must learn to be smarter and see clearer who is in your life FOR RIGHTOUS REASONS AND BE ABLE TO SEE CLEARER THOSE WHO'S SOLE PURPOSE IS TO TAKE ALL THEY CAN FOR THEMSELVES. And stop trying to make things better by yourself. When one is trying and the other is still doing the same ole sh*t, it's your fault that you continue to stay. And when you bring someone up into a better life, to a better living, be careful that that better living is not the only thing they want and are after. If it is, BETRAYAL will come fast and swiftly. And then it is only a matter of TIME, whether long or short, before you figure out or realize they meant you no good. Only meant you harm. I know, I spent 1/3 of my life living in their LIES. But hey, can't win them all huh. But i learned a great lesson at an even greater price from it. Pick your partners in life carefully. AND DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE. But when finally I had a blind man to make me see the light, and i filled for divorce. But enough said about that. That's all in the past. And i wish them the best, to a certain extent, anyway. You can't hold onto that kinda hate. It will comsume you. Eat at you, and while they are off still doing the same things to someone else NOW, you can be happy that it is nolonger being done to you. So as i was saying about the body building, I competed from 1999-2005. I sold the gym(damn near giving it away really.Over $100,000 down the drain for love) but kept some of the equipment 4 my personal gym at my home . I call it THE DUNGEON . Now i'm back on my feet and focused again. My studio is everything to me and i want to see it grow like i planned from the beginning. And just like i worked for this studio, i'm working even harded for the next 2 studios i'll open. It's not enough to dream it, that's just the start. But if you can SEE IT, then you can REACH IT.If you can REACH IT, than you can HAVE IT!! All it takes is WILLPOWER, MOTIVATION, DETERMINATION, AND INSPIRATION. And if you fall short of your goals, just be able to know you did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE AND THEN SOME to achieve them. Know that you left no stone unturned. Remember that not every war is to be won, and it's not whether you win or loose, but how you shed your blood, sweat, and tears for it. You see, YOU DON'T HAVE TO STAND TALL IN THIS WORLD, BUT YOU DO HAVE TO STAND UP!! AND WHEN YOU FIND YOURSELF MAKING YOUR PLANS AND SAYING TO YOURSELF" OH WHAT IF THIS, AND OH WHAT IF THAT," TAKE THIS QUOTE FROM ME. SAY "FU*K WHAT, AND TELL IF, TO SU*K YOUR DI*K. JUST GO FOR IT. YOU ONLY HAVE 1 LIFE TO LIVE, SO LIVE FREE AND DIE PROUD OF WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IN THIS LIFE . I CAN BE REACHED AT SKIN TIGHT TATTOOZ&PIERCING 3730 S. LANCASTER RD. SUITE 120 DALLAS TX 75216 214-372-5405 OR EMAIL ME AT skin_tight_tat2@yahoo.com . INSPIRE YOURSELF IF NO ONE ELSE CAN.

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Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:12:00 GMT