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Death Metal Fundamentalism

About Me

I'm a vegetarian old fart living in the ass of Europe who enjoys Death Metal and Digital Art. I think I don't like all the Myspace insanity very much actually, I've sign just to save my screen name over here and to pimp out some of my shit. Uh uh I'm an artist , not "kinda" or "wannabe", yes this could sound asinine for someone... I'm sorry (sigh). You need some artwork or just a myspace custom layout? Contact me in order to set a deal.
PS: Could be obvious but... I won't work for free!!
Check something I did recently:

Holy Martyr
STD Distro
Myspace page design:
Bodie Art
French Teen Idol
Gambero Music
Nirvana 2002
Clochard Vintage Store

My Interests

Likes: Collecting old school Death Metal vinyls, tapes and few CDs, Tapetrading, Worshipping Satan, Photoshop, Cuddling Hina, Running miles and miles with my bike, Boobs, Thrashing my time on eBay, Web Design, 70's Italian Cinema, Sci-fi up to the 70's, Vegetarianism, Beer, Adding/Editing information at metal-archives.com , going out to festivals/concerts.
Cheap beers, Boy Scouts, Car tuning, F1/Motorbikes, jesus, Uniforms, Politics, People asking "Why are you vegetarian?", People asking "How are you?", stench of cigarettes, True Black Metal, Norsecore, Hardcore, Mallcore, Metalcore, "Sardinia is not Italy" people.

I'd like to meet:

People that are into my art and the few ones with my same interests (it doesn't mean that I will surely add anyone into Death Metal or Digital art). Please add me only if you really have something to say or want talk to me but send a message BEFORE (no message means 100% deny) . I will only add people that I already know in real life/online.
If you are an half naked chick looking for gazillion people to increase your friends count please don't waste your time adding me, same for people who likes something that is in my "dislikes" list or do not share anything in common with me.
Bands add is disabled so if you really think your music is enough interesting for me send a message.


Nirvana 2002, Nihilist/early Entombed, Dismember, Unleashed, Carnage, Grave, early Therion, early Desultory, Utumno, House of Usher, Macrodex, Crypt of Kerberos, Macabre End/God Macabre, Crematory (Swe), Gorement, Carbonized, Uncanny, Expulsion, Eucharist, Goddefied, Traumatic, Darkified, Grotesque, At the Gates, Abhoth, Afflicted, Hetsheads, Toxaemia, Belsebub, Ceremonial Oath, Liers in Wait, Decollation, Unanimated, Pan-Thy-Monium, Cardinal Sin, Decameron, Evocation, Sarcasm (Swe), Obscure Infinity, Fulmination, Mastication, Dissection, Edge of Sanity, Treblinka/Tiamat, Coercion, early Cemetary, Mefisto, Obscurity, Sacretomia, Chronic Torment, Bloodbath, early Demigod, Abhorrance/early Amorphis, Convulse, Pestigore, Phlegethon, Funebre, Demilich, Putrid/God Forsaken, Lubricant, early Xysma, early Sentenced, Necropsy (Fin), Old Funeral, Cadaver, Madder Mortem, Autumn Leaves, Dark Creed, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Possessed, Venom, Bathory, Bolt Thrower, early Carcass, Napalm Death, Decomposed (UK), Dark Heresy, Anathema, My Dying Bride, Chorus of Ruin, Lord of Putrefaction, Morgoth, Asphyx, Pestilence, Disharmonic Orchestra, Pungent Stench, later Katatonia, the Gathering, Cult of Luna, Isis, Pelican, Red Sparowes, early Voivod, Autopsy, Morbid Angel, early Death, early Immolation, early Mortician, early Cannibal Corpse, Atheist, Cynic, Impetigo, Fatalist, Zombiefied Preachers of Gore, Necrophagia, Nuclear Death, Cenotaph, Shub Niggurath, Sigh, Necro-E, S.O.B., Corpse Molestation, Disembowelment .


Cannibal Ferox, Cannibal Holocaust, Ultimo Mondo Cannibale, Mangiati Vivi, Uomini Si Nasce Poliziotti Si Muore, Milano Odia: La Polizia Non Può Sparare, Liberi Armati Pericolosi, Incubo Sulla Citta Contaminata, I Predatori Di Atlantide, 1990: I Guerrieri Del Bronx, Fuga Dal Bronx, I Nuovi Barbari, L'ultimo Treno della Notte, Tutti i Colori del Buio, 6 Donne per l'Assassino, Reazione a Catena, Bad Taste, Brain Dead, Heavenly Creatures, Shivers, Videodrome, Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, Beneath The Valley of Ultravixens, Up!, Chung Hing Sam Lam, Duo Luo Tian Shi, Hana Bi, Sono Otoko, Kyôbô Ni Tsuki, Bin-jip, Hwal, Yokai Hanta - Hiruko, Tokyo Fist, Tetsuo I & II.


X-Files, CSI, Space 1999, Battlestar Galactica, Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck, House M.D., ER, Disperate Housewives, Jericho, Heroes, Ugly Betty, Veronica Mars, Three's Company, The Simpsons, Futurama.


Charles Bukowski, Emidio Clementi, H.P. Lovecraft, Are you Morbid?, Swedish Death Metal, Books About Italian Cinema