Insubordinate is a Entertainment business... Started by Bobby Staccs A.K.A. Mr. Jones A.K.A. Robert or Mizfit to a few or Bobby Boy-Boy to myself. This entertainment business was started because of a lot of set backs, disloyalties and SNAKES... But Im good I'm just going to enjoy my successes more....
I started doing music back in the late 80's early 90's. (And yes I'm a 80's baby.) After I hurd the first Geto Boyz CD I was sprung on Hip-Hop. I've been writting music sense 1992 but got in it hard in 1996 just before Pac died... Been doing it everysense then and hard at it too.
Now that I'm doing my own thing(lable wise) things are really starting to look up. Insubordinate is what it is. And what its going to be. I ain't listing to nobody but my head, you here me?? Bump my head, put a band-aid on it and keep it going. You here me?? Insubordinate is what it is. So there is a "I" in team... Ya Diig???