People Like You Records und America..s best known alternative clothing brand, Lucky 13, the Festival Tour with the best Rock..n..Roll Tunes. These Bands wreck every stage they get to play on and they will prove it for the second time on the upcoming Tour, and last year..s Tour DVD.
The amazing gals of THEE MERRY WIDOWS, our young mates THE GRIT from London, and the famous LA punks of THE GENERATORS will play the stages everywhere in Germany this autumn. You can be sure that this original PLY package will give you the full 12 rounds. Beware: each band has an amazing knock-out-punch. You know THEE MERRY WIDOWS will never fight fair. THE GRIT are fast as hell on their feet and with the fists. THE GENERATORS are an absolute heavywight champion and didn..t need any lucky punch. See you in the ring! Check out our tourdates for latest news!
"Bound For The Bar* Trailer 2008
Please check this one out, too: