(version française plus bas)
Association Manda Lights
65 rue du Réseau Keller
93160 Noisy le Grand
Tel : 0033 6.7002.7009
Mail: [email protected]
Who Are We ?
Manda Lights is an association who's aim is creating fire and pyrotechnics shows through different influences (martial arts and traditional dance from asia, medieval, fantastic, cyber...)
Strong from the exprerience of the many performers sharing the same passion, Manda Lights is a combination of techniques and aesthetics.
Whether through juggling, dancing or object manipulating, Manda Lights has one aim Enchant the public, children and parents, through a living dream.
Our Experience
The different members bring their personel experience through this collaboration.
In fact, they all accumulate a worldwide stage experience throughout Asia, United States or Europe. Some are renowned technicians, result of hours of pratice whereas others have developed a great sensitivity through dancing may it be influenced by modern jazz or belly dancing.
We can only be sure of one thing : this crew is far from being on a crash test and anriches itself day by day .
What We do ?
Manda Lights disposes of a great variety of fire toys to enchant their public.
- Fans, when the codl wind of this popular object changes into a heated breath.
Poi spinning, two flames dancing in many circles auround the artist
Staff, infinite possibilities wheter through juggling, spinning, twirling, geometrical drawings or contact, an amazing performance.
Hula Hoops twirling around a dancer
Levitating stick, bringing the art of magic in a fire performance
Fire Hands and Feet, through a passionate dancing
these many props can be played with a beautiful light performance, with no fire.
Why Are We Special ?
Manda Lights is exceptional through thier adaptability (due to the multiple universes), but also by their great diversity : numerous props, great experience and true inspiration of the members. Original shows
for all the family, Manda Lights' only wish is to take you through our dreams ...
Qui Sommes nous ?
Manda Lights est une association née de la collaboration de deux artistes à travers leur passion commune pour les arts du feu.
Forts de leurs expériences scéniques respectives, ils ont décidé de s'unir pour créer une seule et même entité : MANDA LIGHTS
En effet, Manda Lights base ses prestations sur les inspirations mixées de ses deux artistes ! Ainsi, les pays d'Asie sont mélangés à un esprit fantastique pour le plus grand plaisir du public, qu'il soit composé de parents ou d'enfants, le mélange des genres transporte chacun dans son propre imaginaire.
Manda Lights s'adapte, l'association propose des shows de Feu ou encore des shows Lumineux en fonctions des désirs exprimés, mais aussi les deux en même temps pour encore plus de mélange visuel !
Manda Lights n'a qu'un dessein : faire sourire et rêver à travers un monde sans frontières.
Association Manda Lights
65 rue du Réseau Keller
93160 Noisy le Grand
Tel :
Mail: [email protected]