I am A lesbian, ok for all you men who have problems understanding I will type slower. I'm a L-E-S-B-I-A-N. and no this isn't an acronym for something else. I Love The Ladies. Speaking of which I hope to one day stumble across the womyn who is my soulmate. So I will tell u my usual stats for the womyn I tend to be interested... this is subject to change if I ever found my perfect womyn.:) I am attracted to older womyn, they are like a fine wine that only gets better with age. I am usually attracted to brunettes. I like nice eyes, strong hands and legs. So now that we get the superficial out of the way.. I am interested in intelligence, commitment, and sometimes the occasional argument is nice. :) I Like womyn who think outside the box... maybe I have box issues :) Life becomes a balancing game. I have no delusions of perfection in womyn, but I respect honesty, and commitment. There isn't a relationship in existence that doesn't need constant work to keep it alive, but with these two qualities it makes it go a lot smoother. If you want to know me better I invite you to read my blogsI want to meet womyn who are opposite of me, that I can learn from. also I would like to meet womyn who I can have deep and meaningful conversations. I like interesting people, with the flare to be unusual and/or unconventional. people who make me laugh (there isn't enough laughter in this world).