Deff-ILLDeff-ill (aka Deff-kid, Deffa and Deff) born Jörnan Pique on
October, 1985 in Hoorn in the Netherlands, is an Surinam
rapper/hip hop artist. Besides pursuing his own career,
Deff-ill was one of the founders of Menjestic, a successful
hip-hop click. Known for his metaphoric lines, crafty
wordplay, and blending of street and popular hip hop.
became a respected rapper in the scene from 073
(Den-Bosch).Originally from the DBC in South Brabant , Jornan’s father
abandoned the family when he was a young child and was
consequently raised by a single mother therefore as a young man, he
was never caught up into selling crack cocaine on the streets,
because he had other plans.
He was known as "Deff-ill" in his neighbourhood, a
nickname he soon shortened to "Deff" while in pursuit of a
career in music.
He briefly attended high school in DBC.
He dropped out
cause he wanted to change his education, but is still
remembered there for his rhyming. After several unsuccessful
attempts to launch a career--first with Menjestic, --Deff-ill
co-founded M-A-D with partners Abrassive and MC.Raszz.
There where lockt with the hip hop community, with songs
like N.I.G.G.A, the The lost Memories, Nigga’s lockt, Wild
trip,Dreams and a lot more.Since last year Deff-iLL is working on his own new projects with SkaffaBoy the Label & BlackGlove-entertainment which first stones has already been put in place with a Mixtape called "Blackout",who has been released from Black Glove in 2008.Now its about time for the next Level...
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