So...I finally took the giant leap and entered the space, MYspace. Um, bloop, take two. I'm so excited to connect with new and interesting people on this site! Shit, too eager. Ok, so I live in a box, with two windows, and on one side I see the promise of a new day, and on the other, I see the remains of what used to be and could have been. Grr, I've never really been good with introductions. Let me think this one out...ok here it goes. I would say that deep down, I'm really an introvert, but there are times when the wild side comes out and I yearn to be the center of attention. Whether it be dancing around with no shirt on, or being obnoxiously loud at all the most inappropriate times and places, or being the comedian in a world where laughter is a restrained emotion, I do have moments in which I shine with true authenticity and I'm able to creep out of my shell. I'm an idealist, yet I do realize that realism has a sagacious role in one's perspective on life. I love to people watch, so I can understand the world and ultimately myself. I'm ambitious, for which I spread my focus to any and everything that interests me. I'm vulnerable, energetic, passionate, taciturn, hilarious, pensive, cerebral, insecure, chillaxed and utterly kind, so being my friend will be one hell of a ride, but well worth it. I'm a Cancer, HELLO!