Family . . .Going down to San Diego to visit my brother where we usually : a] drink with all his newest lady friends; b] go out to the clubs like Typhoons with all his lady friends, or c] go to the beach where we d] take out the waverunners . . . Going to L A to see my sister and brother-in-law where I usually "watch" a.k.a. play with my nephew Brendan and neice Naomi where as Aidan just crawls . . . Going back to Palm Springs where I grew up to 1] hangout with my little brother Jordan which entails playing hours of video games, because he is only 11 and his attention span will not allow him to play 8 hours of any video game straight . . . 2] Visit the parents , 3] Have a family reunion and everyone over 21 leaves the house and gets shitty drunk on the town with each other and enjoy our adulthood bonding while getting canned in front of old high school friends. . . Visiting San Bernardino where my uncle lives and all my cousins and Grandpa too. Friends . . .I enjoy all people who are intellectually stimulating and can carry out a conversation without using like 1000 times. It's the cannabis that binds us and i enjoy BOCCE since my house has it's own league . Roadtrips to San Francisco and LA are nice with friends as well. Going to State Street in downtown Santa Barbara is not what it is cracked up to be . . . The Dance scene is pretty weak! BBQ ing at my house is a must and watching Nip/Tuck in bed with is a personal favorite of mine. Lightsaber duels in the house keep me entertained as well. I have to confess that pulling a Samurai sword on delivery people is very funny also. Going to Vegas is another friend favorite activity . . . Music . . . Smoking and zoning out listening album after album of loud Hip-Hop or making love to sweet R & B , going clubbing to mainstream Rap cause thats what i dance to ! Ohh yeah and Ladies not girls . . .
The G.O.A.T. : Muhammad Ali, The Lil Dragon: Bruce Lee, Mr. "Any means Necessary : Malcolm X, The Ex President : Bill Clinton, and Gov. Schwarzenegger so I can tear him a new @$$hole.
Hip - Hop : not Rap . . . Something about a movement or change. Not this Bling Bling crap on the radio. Music that pokes fun at our society so that we can see what we as the next generation can improve on. . . Such as Racism! R & B - Classic and Modern : Got to know your roots back when your parents were knocking the boots. Jazz - An alternative to lyrics Classical - To Appreciate life and art and to find good foundations for sampling.
Love em' Collect em' and Watch them at the house with Mr. "Peaches" Optimo
Family Guy . . . Aquateen Hungerforce . . . Nip/Tuck . . . Colbert Report . . . South Park . . .
I Hate Reading BUT : The Giving Tree, Down These Mean Streets, Animal Farm, and Crime & Punishment
The single parent "working with the scraps they were given." Coach Townsend. My Grandmas & Those step-parents who are ready to pick up where someone left off. . .