The Jones Machine has built its band with the help of Fox Carolina's Backstage Pass! Auditions were filmed Thursday evenings at the G-Spot in Greenville, SC and aired every Tuesday night after American Idol. Be sure to check the episodes on FOX Carolina's website:( "The Jones Machine" Facebook group is a terrific source of information and updates. ( Jones Machine is a musical experience designed to blow your mind and melt your face. The Machine's classic rock style, audience interaction, and musical chops combine to produce a true rock-and-roll show. The power of Josh Jones' innate charisma, stage presence, charm, and dashing good looks combine to form the MACHiNE. When you arrive at a Jones Machine show, prepare to experience a 70s-style classic-rock free-for-all.Put it in your ears.For the Jones Machine availability and booking, please contact Treeline Entertainment at [email protected] or call 864-593-8915.[LOVEMYFLASH]