Hey yo a little about me eh? lol to all of my Latin Friends and especially you New Yorkers. I was originally born and raised in the foot hills of West Virginia that's correct! The Big W V! People have often asked me how can you be so crazy about Latin Freestyle? I simply don't know I call it a vibe or perhaps I was Latino in my past life or something.I have never been to New York and I have only dated mostly Latin Guys. I just remember back in 1987 I had a crush on Noel(Silent Morning) and had an ear for what I learned in my Twenties was called Latin Freestyle Music by a NYC DJ living here in Florida AKA (good friend Dj Lil Jimi.I remember standing in Record stores for hours looking and scavenging old and new hits.I have the deepest regret within..I missed the Freestyle era as it was, I often long to just visit a NYC club where I can feel the music an open minded Club Dj who would just play Freestyle over and Over.Perhaps someday soon I can visit NYC because my love for Freestyle and the artists will never die. It's no secret that I am gay and I'd hope that straight,Bi or gay that respect and dignity find it's way to many friends here.