Megan's # 1 fan profile picture

Megan's # 1 fan

About Me

So I'm done. I for once do not care. All you mother fuckers could tell me what "i did" a thousand times and that still wouldn't affect the outcome. Just because everyone else in the fucking world believes your bullshit, doesn't mean I will. You would never convince me, because simply I know I didn't. To be honest I could die today and the only thing I would have known for sure, is that I've been in love. In love with Megan Marie Mooney. The only person who gives this shit hole of a place meaning. Without her there is no point of existence. You hypocrites can go to church as much as you want, and that still doesn't change the fact that if there is a heaven and hell, you're screwed ;). I on the other hand am no hypocrite just for questioning. I'm pretty sure the man would rather me believe in him for actually KNOWING he exists rather than just believing in him so I can go get drunk and fuck random folks and still not feel guilty. I don't need to believe in anything. But with all that the one thing I choose to belive in, is my love for Megan Marie Mooney. You could try as hard as hell, but you still couldn't take that from me. Just remember that when you are struggling from paycheck to paycheck and can barely make that payment to your meth dealer...Zachary Weaver is with Megan Mooney...Cooking for her every night. I hope you like this, I really really do. I hope you like it as much as eating your shit.P.S... Karma's a goddamn bitch isn't it :)Credited to

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Megan Marie Mooney.. My meme. Girl, I love you so much. Theres not one thing in this world I WOULDN'T do for you. I also know you'd do anything for me as well. There's soo many things I want to tell you but I can't find the words. You mean the world to me. I promise to never EVER take you for granted. I promise to never let anyone or anything harm you. Whether that be words or w/e. More importantly I promise to always be that person in your life that lights you up inside. I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for us, but I know its going to be great. We've known each other for WAYY to long to screw this up between us, and I'll never let that happen. Meme, you are my one. My Everything. I love you Megan.

My Blog

Suspend your self by the fucking throat!

Oh my god... Shut the fuck up!!! Its tired and wore down. The ones with un-named sources are just as bad too. Say who fucking said it! Wanna know why what you're saying is a lie? Simply put--- I love ...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 14:05:00 GMT

Because I can say whatever the fuck I want.

Ok dumbfucks, here's a toast to ya:   Why the fuck do you listen to your music so fucking loud? Even when your car is a piece? And to top that off your listening to music where the lyrics ta...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:53:00 GMT

Pull the trigger again.

  pathetic - miserably or contemptibly inadequate hypocrite - a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 15:40:00 GMT


To hell with people in general.... There is no fucking way there can be a god! If there was a such perfect being I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let these malfunctions of human beings walk HIS Earth...rig...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:46:00 GMT

Sweet 16!

That's effin' right. Tomorrow, Friday the 13th, we're heading to Busch Gardens for Howl O Scream (I can't wait to ride ShieKra). After that on Saturday we're going to Universal Studios' Hall...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 21:25:00 GMT

Here's one for Megan.

    Roses are red, Violets aren't really blue. But guess what, I made another blog especially for you.   Oh and... Your beauty radiates like the rays of the sun Spend your life with me...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 16:32:00 GMT

My Megrrra.

Don't wanna maka a sceneReally don't care if people stare at us,Sometimes I think I'm dreaming,I pinch myself, just to see if I am awake or not.Is it real? What I feel, could it be you and me,Till the...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 10:37:00 GMT