ZITO! profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Vodka...straight. Chase with water if necessary.

I do great impressions of my ex-ex-roommate's ex-roommates.

I want to juggle wolves.

I will make you laugh. Lots. I'm "good" at it...I swear.

Part time saint, part time sinner.
(Partial to the sinner part...way more fun.)

Hum like a songbird, hiss like a snake.

Focused on self-development:
Physical, mental, spiritual, and otherwise

Listen and Unlearn

Ask me questions: I like questions. They make ideas. I like ideas too. Questions and ideas are "cool"..."and stuff".

I make like I'm not as smart as I am...just to fuck with you.

...my mirrors are black...

My Interests

• Music (creation, appreciation, and evaluation)
• Reading, studying, mental growth and self-development of all sorts
• Contemplative practice
• Attempting to find true humility
• Trying to live every day as a better person than I was the day before (and usually failing miserably at this attempt)
• Art and design (neophyte skill, immense appreciation)
• Photography (particularly the "antique" variety)
• Religion, psychology, quantum physics, philosophy, science (Considering, debating, and reconciling)
• Spicy food
• Cockney slang
• Sleep

I'd like to meet:

    The Alpha. The Omega: I got some serious apologizing to do. My grandfather's ghost: I'd like him to tell me stories about when he'd drink with "holy men" in his bar. Phil Anselmo: It'd be cool guzzle 151 and painkillers with the dude. Rick Ruben: Someone needs to cut off that rat fink beard. And I wouldn't mind talking production with the chap. Ozzy Ozbourne: We should play paper-rock-scissors and paint self-portraits with Supernaut cranked on repeat. Henry Rollins: I need a serious attitude adjustment. Glenn Danzig: I'd like to talk theology with this chump. I bet he don't know shit, man. Jim Morrison: Wouldn't it be rad to make "snow angels" with the dude during one of his desert "trips"? "Sand angels", I guess... Animal from The Muppets: I challenge you to a drum-off. Loser has to give Miss Piggy a back rub. Winner gets to eat that frog. Caligula: This guy was fucked. I mean, seriously. Gotta look this guy in the eye just once and say "Dude, what were you thinking?" The guy who invented the quotation mark: I'd like to "shake" this "dude's" "hand" and "say", "Well done, man. I owe you."


Gimme noise, gimme chaos, riffs heavier than the moon. I want some serious hip-hop to get down to and some sweet melodies to get stuck in my skull. Gimme goosebumps and a spiritual experience in sine wave form.

Led Zeppelin, Acid Bath, Converge, Wu Tang, The Misfits, AKIMBO, Bright Eyes, Pink Floyd, Turmoil, Robert Johnson, Isis(only Panopticon), Sam Cooke, Soilent Green, Blaqk Audio, Poison, Deadguy, The Mars Volta, Bob Dylan, Starkweather, Kid606, Ice Cube, Overcast, Goldfrapp, Howlin' Wolf, my dad's cover of "Working Class Hero", Food for Animals, Jesuit, The Doors, Supermachiner, Michael Hurley, Bowie, James Brown, Immortal Technique, Leadbelly, Lauryn Hill, Neil Young, Dalek, AC/DC,...too many to name...anything that sparks my emotion or falls into the categories of the above paragraph.


Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Dog Day Afternoon, Any of the original Star Wars Trilogy, The Boondock Saints, Fight Club, A Bronx Tale, Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus, some of Michael Haneke's more recent stuff, Suicide Kings, The Omen (the original, duh), most Lynch, Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, Ran, The Seven Samurai, The Hidden Fortress, Trainspotting, Jesus' Son, Heat, A Snake of June, The Mothman Prophecies, Gummo, Raging Bull, Koyaanisqatsi, Soylent Green, Kung Fu Hustle, Shaun of the Dead, Wes Anderson, Nosferatu, A Scanner Darkly, Coming to America, Back to School, American History X, Carlito's Way, Chopper, The Usual Suspects, Green Street Hooligans, City of God, Poltergeist.


Lost. That's about it.


Catcher in the Rye, The Cloud of Unknowing, anything by Hunter S. Thompson, most Palahniuk, Anthony de Mello (Sadhana!), Thomas Merton, Jiddu Krishnamurti, This Present Darkness, Into the Silent Land, some Irvine Welsh, Good Omens, Grays Anatomy, The Pundit's Folly, The Art of Loving, Poppy Z's earlier stuff, J. Jenkins, Gerald Schroeder, James Joyce, a bit of Vonnegut (just a bit), Denis Johnson, Mark Brandon Read (particularly, "How to Shoot Friends and Influence People"), Viktor Frankl, psychology books, religion books, Hostage to the Devil, C. S. Lewis, The Wu Tang Manual, The Bible


Serpico...yeah, that's right...take it or leave it. Alphonso Zito III. Jesus (nope, I'm not kidding...nor am I a zealot or uneducated, gullible, or just optimistic. Refer to blog posting). The Limey. Keyser Söze.

My Blog

Spain Photos

Hola, amigos!Many of you have asked to see photos of our exploits in Spain.  We came back with almost 2500.  It would be a tad excessive for me to post all of them...and a bit incriminating ...
Posted by ZITO! on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 05:57:00 PST

Ive got a fantastic joke.

I've got a joke.A fantastic joke.But maybe I shouldn't tell you.The joke could be ruined.  Okay, why not.Years.Years of wearing a mask.Mask smiles.Face beneath sweats.Face beneat...
Posted by ZITO! on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 06:31:00 PST


I'm psyched!Seriously excited, all!Big ole' smiles over here.Don't even try to stand next to me: you'll dematerialize from my seriously rippin' vibes.  Or maybe you'll just get all happy and shit...
Posted by ZITO! on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 01:48:00 PST

Urinals: Continued

OK. An update on the urinal situation (see previous bulletin):So a good friend of mine who works in the realm of engineering has provided me with ...
Posted by ZITO! on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 06:25:00 PST


OK. Does anyone know a structural engineer and a good lawyer?This place I go for happy hour: great joint. It's got fantastic beer, aged tequila &am...
Posted by ZITO! on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:15:00 PST

Your ghost is a gift...

...so be gone.
Posted by ZITO! on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 02:16:00 PST

Meet Yamada!

He's too busy killing people to make and maintain his own MySpace profile; but he doesn't want to feel left out of this social networking phenomenon....so he posted his own gallery in my pics. He's Ja...
Posted by ZITO! on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 09:20:00 PST

The Last Acceptable Prejudice

Seriously.  Is being a Christian the last acceptable prejudice?  Possibly not.  But it's among them.  Allow me to rant for a moment. Typically, I find that people view "Christ...
Posted by ZITO! on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:22:00 PST

Work and Pleasure: The Loss of Self

Man becomes a "nine to fiver," he is part of the labor force, or the bureaucratic force of clerks and managers.  He has little initiative, his tasks are prescribed by the organization of the work...
Posted by ZITO! on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 04:12:00 PST

A multiplicity of cultures in the stead of a multicultural culture

Continuing from last week...Many kinds of pluralism and postmodernism confront us on every hand: in aesthetics (what is art?), in politics (which way forward?), and so on.  What exacerbates all o...
Posted by ZITO! on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 05:06:00 PST