My Name is Ashley McKell Wadley.
I am 21 years old!
I currently reside in Salt Lake City, Utah.
I used to live in Vernal. I owned Vernal.
My apartment is a play ground for drunk people, and I Love it that way.
I drink the fuck out of life.
If you have a problem with that... feel free to hand it into the complaint department.
before you ask, I have 13 tattoos and counting, and my ears are stretched to an 1-1/4".
Yes, Girls with Tattoos ARE in fact hot.
No need to inform me.
I manage a band.
They are Called Loomis Don't Die.
I had a dog named Patron.
He was..AMAZING!
and he died on July 22nd. :(
I Love Nashville!
Where I Call Home! ♥