It Happens Like This......
There is this local band that plays regularly at your local club. After a few shows, you decide you REALLY like them - enough to travel to clubs on the other side of town to see them. Time slowly goes on and before you know it, you are following them to the next town, the next county, the next state. They get to know you by face as one of their fans. They get to know you by name. They even recognize you on the street.
Then BLAMMO - they hit the big time!
Where you once had everything they ever made from the crappy first run T-shirts and their self produced "demo" CD; you now can't even find their latest album in the record store or afford their $40.00 T-shirts. Where you could once pay $5.00 to see them AND get back stage; you now can't get past venue security once you paid the $50.00 for the tickets.
Now all you have of your favorite band are a bunch of old memorabilia and some random songs you have to wait hours to hear on the radio. You've officially lost your favorite band to the masses of people that now line up for miles to see them, hear them, or touch their shoe.
While being happy about their success is one way to go, I find myself bitter. Bitter because when I tried to get these same people to listen to them for $5.00 bucks with me, no one would. Bitter at the fact that most of the masses of people have no clue how long or how hard my favorite bands have been around before the BLAMMO hit. All the masses know is that what is in front of them now is the best band ever because the radio station told them so.
Does a band have to be on the radio to rock?
Apparently so. And it hurts. Why? Well first of all, when people don't see bands in local clubs, the clubs stop having bands play. When bands have no where to play, they leave town. When there are no bands and there are no venues, then there is no local music, just radio's top 40, which leaves me nothing to do on Wednesday nights.
Being I now have nothing to do on Wednesday nights....I have hooked up with some friends and started blogging on a serious level: check it out: